Scientists trying to reinfect people with the COVID-19 virus so they could test vaccines and treatments found high levels of immunity made it nearly impossible, according to results from the COVID-19 “Human Challenge” trials in the U.K

The results, published May 1 in The Lancet Microbe, “raise questions about the usefulness of COVID-19 challenge trials for testing vaccines, drugs and other therapeutics,” Nature reported.

If you can’t get people infected, then you can’t test those things,” Tom Peacock, Ph.D., a virologist at Imperial College London, told Nature.

Brian Hooker, Ph.D., chief scientific officer for Children’s Health Defense told The Defender, “The results show the power of natural immunity as compared to the many breakthrough infections in ‘naive’ vaccinated individuals.”

Any assertion that vaccination-based immunity is more powerful than natural immunity is complete lunacy — the acquired immune system is a beautiful thing and vaccination is a cheaper and much less effective substitute,” he said. (See link for article)



And that is just what the past four years have brought us: LUNACY.


  • The 1st study in 2021 exposed 36 adults to the original strain of COVID via nasal droplets. Of those, only 53% eventually tested PCR-positive but had very mild or no symptoms. There was no correlation between severity and viral load.
  • The 2nd study funded by the Wellcome Trust and the U.K.’s Department of Health and Social Care infected people with COVID who already had natural immunity – some of which were ‘vaccinated’.  Between 2021 and 2022 scientists inoculated 36 adults with different COVID doses and then quarantined them for 14 days and tested them during that time and throughout 12 months. When the 1st subjects did not get infected, they increased the dose until it reached 10,000 times the original dose. They were unable to induce sustained infection in any subjects.  Five later got mild infections during the Omicron period.
  • Another challenge trial is ongoing at Imperial College London but is also having trouble infecting participants, even though it’s with the Delta strain. The lead researcher received a $57 million grant from the European Union and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-backed CEPI, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, to use challenge trials to develop  inhaled and intranasal COVID-19 vaccines.

Saddest excerpt of all:

They are continuing to try to develop ways to actually infect trial subjects so they can develop vaccines. Those methods include giving people multiple doses of the vaccine or finding people who have low levels of immune protection.

So there you have it.

This reminds me of the failed experiment to infect volunteer inmates with the Spanish flu, also known as the Great Swine Flu – to develop a ‘magic bullet’ vaccine which also caused severe adverse reactionsZERO people got infected despite being injected with infected lung tissue from sick or deceased patients, having infected tissue dropped in their eyes, and sprayed in the nose and mouth with infectious aerosols. Others would see mucus taken from critically ill patients and put it into the noses and throats of prisoners. In other parts of the trials, experimenters would take the blood of the sick and inject it into the healthy, to see if it was spread through infectious microorganisms in the blood.  Nobody got sick and nobody died.

This should raise some questions.  What exactly were people dying from?

And this is the question that needs to be asked of COVID and every other ‘infectious’ disease that can’t be purposely used to infect others, and I’m not simply talking about a fraudulent positive PCR test that changes like the wind.  I’m talking about symptoms that make you sick.

People have certainly gotten severely ill, but with what, and why do anti-parasitic medications work on a supposed virus, which BTW, also work on cancerHmmm…

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