Archive for the ‘Mycoplasma’ Category

The Sleeper Agent: The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness, and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare

The Sleeper Agent: The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness, and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare

By A.W. Finnegan

This book details out the esoteric history of biological warfare in a way that no other book has done, based on only official records, documents, science and medical journals, former intelligence officers, and more.

The history of this war goes much deeper than any other book on the subject has presented, based on understandings and studies of science that have been purposefully buried and obscured.

The author collected and studied the work of one of history’s most exceptional yet infamous pioneers in virology and immunology, a German scientist by the name of Dr. Erich Traub, for several years, in the process of writing this book, a process which perhaps no one else has managed to undertake, until now.

About the Author
A.W. Finnegan is a survivor of Lyme disease and immune tolerance, and has been battling health problems since he was young, with the onset of a chronic disease in 2016. He is a writer, graphic artist & designer, an avid reader and researcher of history, biological warfare, esoteric philosophy, spirituality, and the Western Mystery Traditions. He has made a special study of the life and work of Erich Traub and the science of immune tolerance. He has collected and translated to English all of Traub’s published research. He lives in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, peacefully by himself, where he enjoys BMX biking, fitness, study, the arts, and self-development.
For more:

Canadian Professor Donald W. Scott, using US government FOIA documents gathered in the 1970s, described in great detail the politicians, scientist/researchers, institutions and methods by which this most odious form of warfare has been conducted.

Books by Scott:

  • The Brucellosis Triangle
  • The Extremely Unfortunate Skull Valley Incident
  • Aids: The Crime Beyond Belief  Please see this eye-opening documentary: The Origins of AIDS  shares the hypothesis that HIV may have been caused by mass vaccination against Polio in Congo between 1957-1960.
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis  On page 20 of their Patent, the following patients were listed as being infected with the Mycoplasma fermentans: AIDS, Alzheimer’s, Sarcoidosis, Lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome and others [Appendix Two]. The authors extend the above list by adding Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, supported by solid, reproducible scientific evidence. The pathogenic mycoplasma up-takes pre-formed cholesterol from the Glial cells which surround the degenerating motor-neurons of the ALS victim. The loss of this cholesterol prevents the motor neurons from replenishing and replacing damaged synapses. With the synapses not functioning, the messages from the cortex of the brain do not get through to the muscles and Lou Gehrig’s Disease presents.  All the diseases listed in the U.S. Government Patent are indeed caused by a common factor: the Pathogenic Mycoplasma. With the probable cause well-established, the Scotts conclude their study with a possible cure for all the neurosystemic degenerative diseases.

It must be mentioned again, that our own government has sprayed into the air all manner of toxins that are linked to disease:

For more on Mycoplasm:

Military Routinely Releasing Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass into the Air & GMO Bugs Being Released in Maui


Graphene oxide, found in the COVID shots, masks, and PCR swabs, is also sprayed into the air for cloud seeding

Then there’s the spider silk polymer deployed into the air since 2002 and created by a Canadian Biotechnology company, Nexia. The method to produce the fibers was developed by Nexia in conjunction with the US Army Soldier Biological Chemical Command (SBCCOM). SBCCOM’s Natick Soldier Center has been working with Nexia under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) since May 1999.  Nexia was later sold to PharmAthene, Inc, a privately held biotechnology company focused on the development of biodefense therapeutics.

These same spider silk proteins, which are polyamides, are the same proteins scientists are finding in the rubbery clots in the COVID ‘vaxxed.’

Go here to see a video of a ‘weather modification’ airplane for the purpose of cloud seeding, rain enhancement, snow pack augmentation, hail suppression, and fog dissipation.  And go here for an interactive map of 50 years of UN tracking weather modification projects (1952-1999).

The Military Routinely Disperses Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass Into the Air

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
military disperses fiberglass in air


  • Militaries around the world routinely disperse tiny bits of aluminum-coated fiberglass and plastic — known as “chaff” — into the air column, to shield aircraft and ships from enemy radar
  • Chaff has been used for decades, without clear evidence that it’s safe for humans and the environment
  • In response to a United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report issued in August 2021, the U.N. announced it’s considering spraying sulfate aerosols into the Earth’s stratosphere to modify climate. The tiny reflective particles would act as reflectors, bouncing sunlight back into space instead of onto the Earth’s surface
  • The U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is using “climate science” as a vehicle to promote socialist ideology
  • According to Dane Wigington, founder of, the risks of geoengineering are so immense, it poses an extinction-level threat to humanity, and the window of opportunity to save ourselves is rapidly closing

See link for article


A few points:

  • According to the Naval Medicine investigation, inhalation of whole, intact chaff fibers pose “no risk” to humans due to their larger size. “If inhaled, dipoles are predicted to deposit in the nose, mouth, or trachea and are either swallowed or expelled,” the paper states.Note the use of the word “predicted,” however. Predictions are not evidence. They’re basically guessing. 
  • “Safety” is based on three reports – one of which is based upon fiberglass workers wearing protective gear including respirators, Tyvek suits and safety goggles – all things normal people aren’t wearing.
  • Aluminum and fiberglass are not the only toxins being sprayed. Various toxic metals and chemicals are dispersed at high altitude, has been going on for more than 70 years, and is increasing rather than declining.
  • The Biden Administration launched a research effort in 2022 to determine the most effective way to dim the sun.11  One proposal involves injecting sulfur dioxide aerosols into the Earth’s stratosphere. The tiny reflective particles would bounce sunlight back into space instead of onto the Earth’s surface.
  • Sulfate aerosols reflect more solar radiation back into space and have a serious “side effect” — they lower average precipitation.  As a result, additional geoengineering techniques — such as thinning out cirrus clouds in the upper atmosphere — would be necessary to counteract the decrease in precipitation. What could possibly go wrong
  • Three months after the IPCC published its panic-inciting report, Australian and British researchers published an original research article warning that stratospheric aerosol injection carries “catastrophic risks” that may well lead us into “a fate worse than [global] warming”:19
  • The U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Den Boer suggests, is promoting not climate science but socialist ideology, citing as evidence comments made by Ottmar Georg Edenhofer, former co-chair of the IPCC Working Group III, who in a 2010 interview stated that climate issues are about economics, and that:25

    “We must free ourselves from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy … We must state clearly that we use climate policy de facto to redistribute the world’s wealth.”

Oops. He said the quiet part out loud.

For more:


Maui ‘Ground Zero’ for Release of Billions of Biopesticide Lab-Altered Mosquitoes

Up to 775,992,000 bacteria-infected mosquitoes could be released in Maui every week for the next 20 years, according to Hawaii Unites

This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website.

mosquito swarm flying with plants in the background

Up to 775,992,000 bacteria-infected mosquitoes could be released in Maui every week for the next 20 years, according to Hawaii Unites, an environmental advocacy group that last month lost its bid to require the state to conduct an environmental impact statement before allowing the controversial project to proceed.

Hawaii Unites in May 2023 sued the state in the Circuit Court of the First Circuit in Hawaii. The group’s president and founder, Tina Lia, told The Defender:

“These biopesticide lab-altered mosquitoes are already being released in East Maui. Hawaii Unites has taken the state to court seeking a ruling to require an environmental impact statement for the project and comprehensive studies of the risks.”

She said Hawaii Unites describes itself as “a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation and protection of our environment and natural resources,” with a focus on “protecting the health of Hawai‘i’s people, wildlife, and the ‘āina from the State of Hawaii’s biopesticide bacteria-infected mosquito experiment.”  (See link for article)



This website has posted on these dangerous Frankinbugs previously – particularly regarding GMO mosquitoes being released globally.  The technology being used is called Wolbachia incompatible insect technique (IIT), previously endorsed by Gates Philanthropy Partners, an arm of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, although there does not appear to be a direct link between these organizations and the Hawaii ongoing project.

This website has also written about the unknowns of Wolbachia:

Dogs treated for heart worm (D. immitis) have trouble due to the heart worm medication causing Wolbachia to be released into the blood and tissues causing severe Inflammation in pulmonary artery endothelium which may form thrombi and interstitial inflammation. Wolbachia also activates pro inflammatory cytokines. Pets treated with tetracycline a month prior to heart worm treatment will kill some D. immitis as well as suppress worm production. When given after heart worm medication, it may decrease the inflammation from Wolbachia kill off.

An expert who testified on behalf of Hawaii Unites warned that the project, far from mitigating mosquito-borne illness, may lead to bacterial spread, the invasion of lab-altered mosquitoes into unintended areas and other environmental consequences.

According to the lawsuit, “documentation and studies from several sources, including government agencies, confirm that the experiment may not even work for its intended purpose and has the potential for significant environmental impacts.”

When have we let little things like safety and efficacy stand in the way of making money?

Important quote:

“The court failed to acknowledge Dr. Pang’s serious concerns about horizontal transmission of introduced bacteria, biopesticide wind drift of lab-altered mosquitoes into unintended areas, superinfection of mosquitoes with multiple bacteria strains, increased pathogen infection and disease-spreading capability in mosquitoes, and the experimental nature of the project — all issues that were insufficiently addressed or missing entirely from the FEA, and facts material to the lawsuit.” ~ Tina Lia, President of Hawaii Unites

For more:

This convoluted line of investigation omits one important historical precedence; intentionally infected insect vectors have been used numerous times over the past half century or so to non-consensually experiment on populations both foreign and domestic. Occam’s razor would posit that this sudden outbreak of Zika in far flung corners of the world is no different.

A large Canadian insect research facility raised and shipped millions of mosquitoes to the US military biowarfare center at Ft Detrick, in the 1950s, where they were infected with weaponized mycoplasma derivatives. These were then released from aircraft flying late at night over Punta Gorda, Fl. Shortly thereafter the first reported cases of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia began showing up in local hospitals and clinics. Are we to believe that this highly effective dispersal method has been abandoned?

While it is conceivably possible that the complicated biological Rube Goldberg theories described in this article are the causal factor in this newest disease scare, I’d wager that this thinking is simply cover for a much more direct method of spreading diseases in countries not fully on-board with the Anglo-zionist agendas. The release of infected insect vectors (both mosquito and tick) have been used frequently over the decades since WW II.

Canadian Professor Donald W. Scott, using US government FOIA documents gathered in the 1970s, in his two books and numerous speaking engagements, described in great detail the politicians, scientist/researchers, institutions and methods by which this most odious form of warfare has been conducted

Books by Scott:

Lyme Disease, Mycoplasma, and Bioweapons Development Timeline


Scroll forward to 15:35 to  listen to Charles Rixey discuss how mycoplasmas form the backbone of much of the biowarfare research that has taken place.

Lyme Disease, Mycoplasma, and Bioweapons Development Timeline

By Edward Morgan


The following timeline will put forward mounting evidence of a Biological Warfare activity involving many different forms of chronic disease, especially Lyme disease and tick-borne diseases. This is a lengthy timeline with dozens upon dozens of documents, published medical journals, news articles, FOIA requested information papers like declassified files and email correspondence between public health officials, congressional hearings, science data, and more, compiled over many years that I have put together in one place. The evidence I put forward in this timeline, I believe, will show beyond a reasonable doubt that much of the chronic illnesses we are experiencing today are the result of poor safety practices and gross negligence in developing weaponized diseases for military & biodefense purposes, and  an ongoing cover-up has ensued to hide [it].

*blue text = link to document or article

1921 – Research for the Army yielding RELAPSING FEVER IN PANAMA: THE HUMAN TICK, ORNITHODOROS TALAJE, DEMONSTRATED TO BE THE TRANSMITTING AGENT OF RELAPSING FEVER IN PANAMA BY HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION with voluntary human experiments involving ticks and relapsing fever spirochete by the Army in Panama. This is just the beginning of a long and drawn-out relationship between spirochetes, ticks, and the military developing stealth organisms as bioweapons geared to slowly incapacitate and overwhelm a suggested target. Now, at this time the intention may have been benign, but eventually this whole area of work would become much more sinister as time went on.

1931 – Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, acting under the cover of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations, writes a letter to a colleague bragging about inducing cancer in Puerto Rican citizens during experiments, killing them. Among some of his words in this letter state “The Porto Ricans (sic) are the dirtiest, laziest, most degenerate and thievish race of men ever to inhabit this sphere… I have done my best to further the process of extermination by killing off eight and transplanting cancer into several more… All physicians take delight in the abuse and torture of the unfortunate subjects.”

As for Dr. Rhoads’ confession, he denied the reality of this horrendous act on the great people of Puerto Rico, saying he only wrote it when he was angry. He would later establish Biological Warfare facilities for the U.S. Army in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, and he was put on the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. where he would go on to conduct radiation experiments on innocent, unwitting citizens. This is the start of a very long and consistent practice of experimentation on unwitting citizens and illegal testing programs that would continue unhindered right up to the present day.

1932 – The federal government begins a long-term research study known as the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment where African-Americans are left untreated for syphilis, even after they had a cure. Some were even intentionally infected with Syphilis through vaccines so that their research could be conducted over 40 years time. The initial study was only supposed to last for six months, but illegally continued for another forty years, Although there were a few survivors, the study was complete after most of the test subjects died. (Tuskegee Timeline from CDC Website)

This will establish that compartmentalized groups of the government have no problem in using its own citizens as guinea pigs and giving them harmful diseases just to see how it affects them, even when it can cause death.

This will also establish a type of behavior would become more prevalent as time went on, especially in our bioweapons development programs. It will also show you how many times a supposedly benign program or research project is used to cause harm and deceive the public. 

1942 – Canada enters into a secret agreement with Britain and the United States to participate in a program to develop biological weapons. The principal diseases used as starting points included anthrax and brucellosis.*

1943-44 – The Americans, collaborating with the British had developed the first biological bomb, code named ‘N’, containing anthrax spores. In May of 1944, an initial 5,000 anthrax bombs rolled off the production line at [Fort] Detrick. and within two months production of the bombs was taken over by an undisclosed factory with a higher capacity for production.**

1945 –  At the end of World War II the Russians captured twelve Japanese biological laboratories and notified the U.S. that the Japanese had been engaging in biological weapons testing using human beings [This was known as Unit 731]. At least 3,000 American, Chinese, Korean, Australian, and Russian prisoners of war died from the experiments. The Americans also captured Japanese chemical-biological warfare scientists, many of whom had participated in murderous experimentation against American prisoners of war. Some of the experiments were carried out on the Chinese in Manchuria, and used bombs full of fleas infected by typhus and the plague. (Declassified Document 1Declassified Document 2) (News National Service Article)

“The experiments the Japanese conducted were as horrific as any attributed to the Nazis, but the Americans saw the potential of utilizing their research and offered them immunity from prosecution in exchange for their participation in American programs. 

Not only did the American military protect Japanese scientists who had participated in biological warfare experiments that had resulted in the death of American soldiers, in a move that later foreshadowed later government coverups, the Army denied that there had ever been such experiments. Despite the reports of many American prisoners of war in Japanese internment camps, spokesmen for the Army denied that documentation existed to prove these programs had never existed.” **

Several unusual biological agents were studied by Unit 731 before testing on prisoners of war, of bacterial and viral origins, Borrelia sp.  is said to be among that list. 

1945 – At the end of the war the Agreement was continued into peacetime due to a perceived Communist threat. U.S. hires principal German and Japanese biowarfare researchers, including Dr. Ishii Shiro who had used allied prisoners to test anthrax and had conducted tests of a ‘mystery’ disease agent in the heartland of New Guinea.*

1946 – Dr. George Merck, head of the biological research in the U.S. reported in a secret memo that his researchers had learned how to extract the disease toxin from bacteria in a crystalline form suitable for aerosol diffusion.*

1948 – CONTAMINATION OF CAMP DETRICK LAB WORKERS – A report from the New England Journal of Medicine, 1947, Vol. 236, p.741 called “Acute Brucellosis Among Laboratory Workers” shows us how actively dangerous this agent is. The laboratory workers were from Camp Detrick, Frederick, Maryland where they were developing biological weapons. Even though these laboratory workers had been vaccinated, wore rubberized suits and masks, and worked through holes in the compartment, many of them came down with this awful disease because it is so absolutely and terrifyingly infectious. The article was written by Lt. Calderone Howell, Marine Corps, Captain Edward Miller, Marine Corps, Lt. Emily Kelly, United States Naval Reserve and Captain Henry Bookman. They were all military personnel engaged in making the disease agent brucellosis into a more effective biological weapon.*

1949 –  Post-WWII when the remaining Nazis were surrendered to American, British, and Russian forces, the American government took in hundreds of Nazi war criminals to work for American interests in OPERATION PAPERCLIP, bringing Erich Traub, former Nazi scientist in the SS under Heinrich Himmler, over to American shores to continue similar research for the U.S. military as a specialist in zoonotic disease who studied in America at the Rockefeller Institute before World War II, and then in Germany, he was a top SS officer conducting biowarfare research, when he came to America he was working for the Army’s joint lab at Plum Island conducting bioweapons research in the guise of Animal Disease Research under the Department of Agriculture. He was offered a chance to stay in America before World War II began, but chose to return citing his loyalty to the Nazi Party. (FOIA Files on Erich Traub)

Dr. Traub was not a low-level Nazi player by any means, but in fact, he was a high-ranking SS officerduring Nazi Germany. To illustrate his place in the hierarchy- Adolf Hitler was the party leader. Under Hitler, Heinrich Himmler headed the SS. Among several under Himmler in, there was Reich Health Leader Leonardo Conti, and under him, Kurt Blome was the head of the Nazi’s Biowarfare program. Under Blome, was Erich Traub- 4th in the chain-of-command to Hitler.

In Annie Jacobson’s Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America, Dr. Traub is described as a rather hostile, unfriendly individual who enjoyed being cruel to animals:

“…Dr. Little, described Traub as a “domineering German and a surly type of individual with a violent temper.” Another colleague, Dr. John Nelson found that despite long training in the care of animals, [Traub] went out of his way to be cruel to animals.”

 Traub was also part of an FBI investigation in 1942 where there were large 1000 gallon gas tanks being installed underground on a farm residence next to Frank DuPont. A man said to be a Dr. Eugene Traub from New York. But there is a possibility this may have actually been Erich Traub, since he did work with animals and the USDA, studied at the Rockefeller institute, would have probably known Frank DuPont, and possibly had a summer home in America even while working for the Nazis, as they welcomed him before and after the war.

His wife Blanka Traub was granted citizenship in the early 1950’s

In John Loftus’ America’s Nazi Secret, this former DOJ Special Investigator found files on Erich Traub that show he was engaged in using ticks as a medium to spread disease:

“Even more disturbing are the records of the Nazi germ warfare scientists who came to America. They experimented with poison ticks dropped from planes to spread rare diseases. I received some information suggesting that the U.S. tested some of these poison ticks on the Plum Island artillery range off the coast of Connecticut during the early 1950’s. I explored the old spies’ hypothesis that the poison ticks were the source of the Lyme Disease spirochetes, and that migrating waterfowl were the vectors that carried the ticks from Plum Island all up and down the Eastern Seaboard. Most of the germ warfare records have been shredded, but there is a top-secret U.S. document confirming that “clandestine attacks on crops and animals” took place at this time. The Lyme Disease outbreak in America was monitored secretly under the cover of a New England health study.

Sooner or later the whole truth will come out, but probably not in my lifetime. Years from now historians will have to put the secret files into context of events, a job akin to pasting dead leaves back on a tree in the right order…”

In Michael Carroll’s Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government’s Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory he details some of the tests going on around the United States and may give a clue as to what Erich Traub was doing on Plum Island:

“At least six outdoor stockyard tests occurred in 1964-65. Stimulants were sprayed into stockyards in Fort Worth, Kansas City, St. Paul, Sioux Falls, and Omaha in tests determining how much foot-and-mouth disease virus would be required to destroy the food supply.   

(See link for article)



The chronology shows Plum Island research conducted research into reactivating latent viruses, a characteristic of OspA – a fungal antigen which is a lipoprotein found on Bb and is a related component of Mycoplasma.

The Nicolsons finally prevailed and their work on Mycoplasma was recognized.  The treatment for it is antibiotics.


Part 2 of “ Lyme Disease, Mycoplasma, and Bioweapons Development Timeline “

. . . continues from the “ part 1 “ :

Part 2 of “ Lyme Disease, Mycoplasma, and Bioweapons Development Timeline “, image #1

Following the lead of this group of physicians, a few State health departments have now begun to investigate, in a very threatening way, physicians who have more liberal views on Lyme disease diagnosis and treatment than they do. And indeed, I have to confess that today I feel that I am taking a personal risk, a large one, because I am stating these views publicly, for fear that I may suffer some repercussions despite the fact that many hundreds of physicians and many thousands of patients all over the world agree with what I am saying here today.

Full Hearing PDF

1993 – Dr. Garth Nicolson Ph.D., and his wife Dr. Nancy Nicolson Ph.D., told their story in PROJECT DAY LILY conducting research at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX on this unknown illness affecting so many soldiers, many of whom were top military personnel, and found that most of them had been infected by a biological agent known as Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus as well as Brucella, Coxiella, and others similar to Borrelia burgdorferi – Lyme Disease. Many of them had multiple overlapping infections.

For their research Dr. Nicolson & his wife were both met with harsh criticism and extreme resistance from the cancer center administration and a handful of colleagues. They even endured several attempts on their lives by poisonings and exposure to deadly pathogens. Dr. Nicolson and his wife would pay a big price in academic endeavors, akin to an actor or artist being blackballed by Hollywood or the music industry for not ‘playing ball’, all for wanting to help the great men and women of our military.

Dr. Nicolson was eventually fired for his work on Mycoplasma by Dr. Charles LeMaistre, the head of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. In an article by the Houston Press, more was revealed. According to Dr. Nicolson, the reason why LeMaistre wanted the Nicolsons to stop their work was because he was directly involved in the problem. Dr. Charles Lemaistre has strong connections to the Bush family, James Baker III, the Carlyle Group, and the biotech company involved in making vaccinesfor the military- Tanox BioSystems Inc., founded by Nancy Chang, a microbiologist from Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. LeMaistre had a fairly big involvement, possibly through investments. Dr. Lemaistre is also well connected to people like Henry Kissinger and Nancy Chang also has connections to the Bush family, James Baker III and the Carlyle Group, the Chinese, as well asHenry Kissinger. Dr. Shyh Ching-Lo, the man who patented Pathogenic Mycoplasma, was also a member of Tanox BioSystems Inc. In the article by the Houston Press, Dr. Nicolson hints at these interests being directly involved in selling the Iraqis Biological weapons in the 80’s as well as creating the vaccines for troops. Of course, the news article goes well out of their way to make it sound like a conspiracy theory, but through sites like Relationship Science, you can clearly see just how connected all these folks are.

1994 – A town nearby Houston in Hunstville, TX experiences a rapid onset of cases of ALS, MS, and Chronic Illness with a number of deaths resulting. Dr. Nicholson starts research on testing and treating these individuals and find that most of them are infected with Mycoplasma fermentans incognituswhich had been patented by the Department of Defense and scientist Dr. Shyh Ching-Lo just a few years prior. A FOIA requested document reveals a whopping 42 deaths in one town in just a short period of time. It lists only 1 death from Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus. However, with the other deaths being listed as ALS, cancer, heart-related, or cause unknown, this can easily be attributed toMycoplasma, because these are all by-products of Mycoplasma infections.

At the time, it was suspected by Dr. Nicolson and a number of colleagues that the sudden illness was the result of illegal testing by Baylor College of Medicine and the National Cancer Institute in the Texas prison systems in the late 60’s and early 70’s research conducted through defense contracts in black programs that had now made its way into the community. In Project Day Lily, Dr. Nicolson alludes to having been confirmed correct in his assumption when years before the slain Air Force Col. had hinted to him that he was right on target with his work testing for and treating patients forMycoplasma fermentans incognitus. The research was conducted by the medical sector for the defense department and able to test on American citizens without legal punishment by using a loophole called Title 50 code 1520. This fell under War and National Defense: allowing tests on human subjects with chemical and biological agents. Although it had been repealed in 1997, the tests are still able to go on legally, due to a loophole wehereby the tests can be continued in times of War or National Emergency. We have been under some form of wartime or national emergency since the 70’s

1994 – Senator John D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least 50 years theDepartment of Defense has used hundreds of thousands of military personnel in human experiments and for intentional exposure to dangerous substances. Materials included mustard and nerve gas, ionizing radiation, psychochemicals, hallucinogens, and drugs used during the Gulf War.

1994 – Dearborne Conference – Yale Doctor & CDC Official Allen Steere puts forward his fraudulent shift narrowing Lyme Disease by changing the definition of the disease from a growing, relapsing fever disease that cannot be treated easily and hard to test for- to a small insignificant, rare disease that is easily cured with a round of antibiotics. He was referring to the 15% or so who made antibodies to fight the infection These cases were suffering from the same illness but able to respond due to their fortunate genetic predisposition- while the other majority face a devastating illness with immunosuppression- and not adequately fighting the infection.

Also changed are the testing standards making the cutoff levels more difficult to obtain positive results. Before where a positive only needed 3 bands for 41, Allen Steere & Co. raised the bar to 5 for 41 claiming it would more accurately pick up their ‘new definition’ of Lyme disease, or the 15% who make antibodies and the other 85% would be thrown into the ‘Social Phenomenon of Lyme’ fraudthat Alan Barbour and Durland Fish (former employees at Plum Island, University of Texas, NIH Rocky Mountains Bioweapons Lab) proposed in a fraudulent medical paper put out the previous year. The testing companies doing all the testing would be coming from the same criminals in their own companies- Corixa, Imugen, L2 Diagnostics of Yale- all of which Allen Steere and the many others involved in this scam were owners, partners, or employees of.

This sudden Lyme disease definition change was met with criticism by numerous attendees from labs all over the country attending the conference as it had previously been understood that this is a relapsing fever organism which can be highly complicated to treat and caused immunosuppressive outcomes in many of those cases leading to severe physical and neurological problems. A dangerous disease that can cause death and cancer-like outcomes. Contributors and attendees of the conference say Steere’s proposal ran about anywhere from an 8% to 22% accuracy rate. Even partner-in-crime Gary Wormser reported that this method missed up to 85% of cases. But they pushed it through anyway and it would become the standard for all medical centers and insurance company guidelines. And doctors from that point on would buy into the ‘Social Phenomenon of Lyme’ fraud that the 85%, who are much more sick, are only psychiatric cases and it is “all in their head” – Much like the Pentegon did just one year before with the Mycoplasma exposure on the Gulf War veterens, as well as the coverup on the Hunstville Mystery Illness resulting from illegal tests by the M.D. Cancer Center (through University of Texas and Baylor College of Medicine). Must be a coincidence…

It is also interesting to note that in Alan Barbour’s research paper Antibody-resistant Mutants of Borrelia bargdorferi: In Vitro Selection and Characterization, this research was carried out by Alan Barbour for the University of Texas, NIH, and NIAI, the same institutions that partnered with Baylor College of Medicine, to engage in the illegal Mycoplasma testing on the Texas prison system:

From the Departments of “Microbiology and *Medicine, University of Texas Health Science
Center, San Antonio Texas 78284; the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine,
232000 Vihius, Lithuania; and the Laboratory of Microbial Structure and Function, National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, Hamilton, Montana

(See link for article)


For more:



Infection Strategies of Mycoplasmas: Unraveling the Panoply of Virulence Factors

Infection strategies of mycoplasmas: Unraveling the panoply of virulence factors

Free PMC article

Mycoplasmas, the smallest bacteria lacking a cell wall, can cause various diseases in both humans and animals. Mycoplasmas harbor a variety of virulence factors that enable them to overcome numerous barriers of entry into the host; using accessory proteins, mycoplasma adhesins can bind to the receptors or extracellular matrix of the host cell. Although the host immune system can eradicate the invading mycoplasma in most cases, a few sagacious mycoplasmas employ a series of invasion and immune escape strategies to ensure their continued survival within their hosts. For instance, capsular polysaccharides are crucial for anti-phagocytosis and immunomodulation. Invasive enzymes degrade reactive oxygen species, neutrophil extracellular traps, and immunoglobulins. Biofilm formation is important for establishing a persistent infection. During proliferation, successfully surviving mycoplasmas generate numerous metabolites, including hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide; or secrete various exotoxins, such as community-acquired respiratory distress syndrome toxin, and hemolysins; and express various pathogenic enzymes, all of which have potent toxic effects on host cells. Furthermore, some inherent components of mycoplasmas, such as lipids, membrane lipoproteins, and even mycoplasma-generated superantigens, can exert a significant pathogenic impact on the host cells or the immune system. In this review, we describe the proposed virulence factors in the toolkit of notorious mycoplasmas to better understand the pathogenic features of these bacteria, along with their pathogenic mechanisms.

For more:

Hemotropic mycoplasma is caused by bacteria from the Mycoplasma genus, which lack a cell wall and are unable to replicate by themselves. To survive they have to infect red blood cells. Like the other bacteria discussed here, emerging species are found in bats. Hemotropic mycoplasma may be a co-factor in white nose syndrome, a fungal disease that is killing bats.

Does Lyme Increase Your Cancer Risk?

[Real Talk] Lyme Disease + Cancer: Does Borrelia Increase Your Cancer Risk?

by Dr. Bill Rawls
Posted 11/5/20

As to the question of, are microbes associated with cancer, the answer is a definitive, yes!

But what about the question, are all cancers associated with microbes? Here I’m referring to microscopic organisms including bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi.

The answer? Well…maybe.

Here’s what the science is showing us thus far, including takeaways from a new study implicating borrelia — the microbe associated with Lyme disease — in breast cancer development, and how to empower yourself to reduce your risk.

The Science Linking Microbes + Cancer

Scientists first began proposing links between microbes and cancer back in the 1800s. In 1886, a researcher named Dr. Doyle isolated spherical bodies thought to be bacteria from a malignant tumor.

This was followed by a scientific paper published in 1907 by Dudgeon & Dunkley, which confirmed that the spherical bodies were a species of staphylococcus (a common skin flora that we all carry). Then, in 1911, a physician named Peyton Rouse, M.D. was able to demonstrate that a certain chicken sarcoma (tumors that occur in bones and soft tissue) was transmissible to other chickens. The transmissible agent was later found to be a virus.

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The earliest documentation of microbes associated with human cancer was in 1964 with the finding of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in a cancer of lymph nodes, called Burkitt’s lymphoma. Epstein-Barr virus is a common virus that most all of us get during childhood and that sometimes causes mononucleosis.

Since then, numerous cancers have been linked to microbes:

  • Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) with cancer of the stomach
  • Salmonella typhi with gallbladder cancer
  • Chlamydia pneumoniae with lung cancer
  • Streptococcus bovis with colon cancer
  • A variety of species of mycoplasma with a variety of different cancers
  • Multiple bacteria with oral cancers

This is, of course, only a partial list. In all, 20% of cancers have been directly linked to various microbes. No doubt, the percentage will steadily grow.

My earliest professional association with the microbe-cancer link was some 30 years ago, when human papillomavirus (HPV) was associated with cervical cancer in women. It totally changed how we screen for cervical cancer.

Women often, however, develop a precancerous state associated with HPV called dysplasia, which in some people never progresses to cancer. It has me wondering if there might be other cofactors involved, such as other microbes.

Ones that would be high on my list include mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas, which are much more common in the genital tract than currently recognized. Studies have shown that these bacteria can facilitate the entry of viruses into cells — it gives evidence that microbes often work together.

The microbe-cancer connection hit close to home several years ago when my father developed lymphoma of the eye shortly after being diagnosed with a toxoplasma infection in that eye. Toxoplasma is a protozoa, a single-celled microbe one step more advanced than a bacteria. It’s commonly contracted from cats or eating undercooked meat.

If a person’s immune system is healthy, toxoplasma typically lives inside cells and stays dormant in tissues without causing any symptoms. Its favorite hideout is the brain. In immunocompromised individuals, it’s been linked to cognitive deficits, depression, and psychosis. Sure enough, I was able to find research that documented an association between toxoplasma and the specific type of lymphoma my father developed.

Ever since my dad’s experience, I’ve been closely following the connections. Before his untimely death due to complications of Lyme disease, Neil Spector, M.D., a friend and oncology researcher at Duke University, mentioned that he was consistently finding bartonella, a common bacteria defined as a Lyme disease coinfection, in a certain type of breast cancer.

In May of 2020, in a study published in the journal Scienceresearchers found a distinct “tumor microbiome” consisting of intracellular bacteria in each of 1,526 different tumor specimens. The specimens were taken from seven different cancer types including breast, lung, ovarian, pancreatic, melanoma, bone, and brain cancers.

Most recently, an internationally recognized expert on Lyme disease, Eva Sapi, Ph.D., found borrelia in breast cancer tissueIn 400 specimens of the breast cancer tissue she examined, borrelia was found in a high percentage. Her team also found that borrelia readily invaded breast cancer cells in the lab.

Does this mean that borrelia is the cause of breast cancer? Not hardly. It simply means that microbes in general play a key role in the process of cancer formation. That role is actually not difficult to define.

Microbes’ Role in Cancer Development

The cells that make up our bodies and the microbes that inhabit our bodies live at cross purposes. It’s the difference between the unrestricted growth of microbes versus the restricted growth of our cells.

Microbes like bacteria know only one purpose: Making more bacteria. As long as food is present, bacteria are compelled to keep dividing and growing with no boundaries — dividing continuously is the only way they can survive.

Borrelia infection in the blood. Borrelia bacteria cause borreliose, transmitted by ticks and by lice.

The reason microbes like bacteria must continually divide is to shed internal damage and refresh themselves. When a bacterial cell divides, it regenerates into two new cells — damage to internal parts and the cell’s genetic program is shed, and the new cells start afresh. As soon as those two cells mature, they must also divide.

Most bacteria divide every 2 to 12 hours. Some are especially fast movers: E. coli in the gut, for example, can divide every 20 minutes, which means after 7 hours, one bacterium can become 2.1 million, according to the Microbiology Society.

This pattern of unrestricted growth applies to viruses, protozoa, and yeast, as well as bacteria. As long as nutrients and no other restrictions are present, they will continue to grow unimpeded.

In contrast, our cells are team players. They work in close synchrony with other cells within organ and tissue systems to enable the body to function as a whole.

We have about 200 different cell types, each with a different job. Muscle cells contract muscles. Brain cells transmit signals. Thyroid cells secrete thyroid hormones. Cells in the digestive system make enzymes to digest food. Every cell in the body is working for the good of all the other cells in the body — it’s definitely a one-for-all and all-for-one kind of arrangement.

As team players, our cells must work within the confines of an organ or tissue system. To be functional, organ or tissue systems can only accommodate a set number of cells (aka team players).

Though our cells can divide, they only divide to replace worn out or damaged cells. If the growth of cells became unrestricted like bacteria, the tissue or organ would quickly be destroyed. If that sounds a lot like cancer, you’re right on track.

Why Intracellular Microbes Are the Biggest Concern

Though most of the microbes that inhabit the body are confined to the gut or skin, microbes are constantly trying to get inside tissues of your body. The carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that make up your cells offer a treasure trove of nutrients that microbes can use to survive. Once inside your tissues, your cells offer an exceptionally good food source.

It was through my own experience with Lyme disease that I became acquainted with microbes that specialize in invading and living inside cells of a host. It’s a common strategy that microbes have been honing for billions of years.

By infecting and pirating organic molecules and resources from larger cells (the ultimate dine-in experience), these microbes can survive without having to work very hard. Living inside another cell offers the microbes food and protection from the immune system, other bacteria, and antibiotics.

blue microbes

The infected cell might be weakened, but might not die — at least initially. It’s an easy-living strategy used by many bacteria, some protozoa, yeast, and all viruses. Collectively, they are known as intracellular microbes or stealth microbes.

Borrelia burgdorferi is an intracellular microbe. All the Lyme disease coinfections, including bartonella, are intracellular. Toxoplasma is an intracellular protozoa. In fact, all the microbes that have been associated with cancer are intracellular.

There are many, many intracellular microbes. In my research I was able to identify more than 100 different species of intracellular microbes that could potentially be associated with chronic illness in humans — and that may be just scratching the surface.

The stealth microbe-cancer connection was taken a step further by a study published in 2018 in the journal, Cancer Cell International. The study was significant because researchers were able to experimentally induce cancer formation in eukaryotic cells (cells like ours) with intracellular bacteria.

For the experiment, they used a species of algae. They started by placing the algae cells in the dark, which weakened the cells. Then they exposed the weakened algae cells to an intracellular bacteria common to that species of algae.

In every case, when the bacteria invaded the weakened cells, the cells took on the unrestricted growth common to bacteria and turned to cancer. They were also able to demonstrate that the bacteria had inserted a segment of DNA into the cell’s genome that turned on unrestricted growth in the host cell.

How to Use This Information to Reduce Your Cancer Risk

The good news is that all of these findings bring us one step closer to understanding cancer. And if you understand something, you can do something about it! Knowing that intracellular microbes are a significant part of the problem brings us closer to a cancer solution.

A top priority is keeping the cells of your body healthy — weak cells are targets for microbes. Maintaining cell health puts less stress on the immune system. When the immune system isn’t overtaxed, it can better do its job of keeping the microbes that inhabit the body in check.

What can you do to keep your cells in top condition?

  • Provide optimal nourishment for your cells with a diet weighted heavily toward fresh vegetables and other fresh food sources.
  • Minimize your exposure to toxic substances. Toxins can only enter your body in what you eat or drink, the air you breathe, and what goes on your skin. Filtered water, organic food, purified indoor air, and smart choices for skin products go a long way to protect your cells.
  • Stress disrupts hormones and prevents cells from working together to stay healthy. Though you can’t eliminate all stress in your life, you can find ways to live around it. Make your world small, and focus only on the things that impact your wellbeing directly.
  • Cells depend on continual flow of water, nutrients, oxygen, and waste removal to stay healthy. Staying physically active increases blood flow, which flushes debris collected around cells and promotes optimal flow.

In the battle to keep your cells healthy, herbs are your best ally. The protective phytochemicals found in herbs suppress intracellular microbes, reduce cellular stress by protecting cells, and balance communication systems in the body so that all cells work together. Many herbs, if not most of them, have documented anti-cancer properties.

It’s a bit unnerving when you think about the fact that we all harbor microbes inside our cells that have the potential to affect our cells adversely. It’s important to note, however, that it’s stressed cells that are vulnerable.

Also key is that a healthy immune system is constantly on the job of taking out cells that have been infected with microbes or that have taken on the unrestricted growth associated with cancer. As such, your best defense against any type of cancer is a healthy immune system. Not stressing your cells is also a good practice.

immune rhodiola reishi cordyceps ashwagandha japanese knotweed cats claw

Keeping your cells and your immune system healthy is a matter of maintaining good health habits. That includes eating a fresh and mostly whole foods diet, minimizing the toxins in your environment, keeping stress down, and staying active.

Beyond good health habits, herbs have extensive value for keeping your immune system healthy. Herbs suppress intracellular microbes, reduce cellular stress by protecting cells, and balance communication systems in the body so that all cells work together.

When all the cells in the body are functioning properly and working together in harmony, good health happens — and cancer risk is low!

Dr. Rawls is a physician who overcame Lyme disease through natural herbal therapy. You can learn more about Lyme disease in Dr. Rawls’ new best selling book, Unlocking Lyme.
You can also learn about Dr. Rawls’ personal journey in overcoming Lyme disease and fibromyalgia in his popular blog post, My Chronic Lyme Journey.

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9. Chmiel R, University of New Haven Professor Makes Great Strides in Lyme Disease, Cancer Research, Sept 15 2020, Office of Marketing and Communications, University of New Haven.
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