mRNA COVID Vaccines Form Spike Protein in Heart Cells, but Cause Different Anomalies: Research Article

New research observing rat and human heart cells shows that within 48 hours of vaccination, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines form spike proteins.

New research out of Germany observing rat and human heart cells shows that within 48 hours of vaccination, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines form spike proteins.

Spike proteins, made from the mRNA instructions inside the vaccines, were detected in the heart cells. While both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines caused cell abnormalities, the two induced different anomalies.

The different responses the cells had to the two mRNA vaccines suggest an mRNA toxicity reaction in these cells, according to Dr. Peter McCullough, a leading internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist who has published over 1,000 research reports and is the lead author of one of the first widely utilized treatment regimens for SARS-CoV-2 patients. He added that 48 hours was a short amount of time to observe this.

The findings support both the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac events following mRNA-based COVID vaccination,” the authors wrote, adding that the findings may explain persistent cardiac symptoms among long-COVID patients.(See link for article)



The article has now been updated and includes a video comparing unvaxxed rat heart cells vs vaxxed.  They found:

  • Pfizer-“vaxxed” cells displayed stronger, sustained contractions (1B) due to increased protein kinase A (PKA) activity. PKA levels are linked to heart performance; the higher the PKA level, the stronger the heart contractions.
  • Moderna-“vaxxed” cells developed irregular heart contractions and disrupted calcium regulation. The authors attributed the change in cell activity to disturbances in RyR2 receptors. These receptors play a key role in coordinating heart contractions using calcium. Some of the heart muscles administered Moderna vaccines developed irregular and peristaltic contractions (1C and 1D), whereas others had irregular and arrhythmic contractions (1E and 1F).

The authors also found damage is closer to cardiomyopathy by toxic stress (heart muscles are structurally and functionally abnormal in the absence of other heart diseases) than myocarditis & pericarditis (heart muscles are inflamed and damaged.)

Also, the varying responses indicate the cardiac abnormalities may suggest toxicity in the mRNA itself rather than the spike protein which both injections have.

For more:

How ‘the powers that be’ are covering up the injection damage:

How the injections are causing heart damage: