Sept. 2017

by Dr. Jay Davidson

Article Summary

  • Parasites are more common than you might think. About 50% of the western world has parasites. Importantly, parasites can play a part in almost every common illness, and they can prevent the effective treatment of chronic disease.
  • Parasites can range from microscopic creatures, to huge tapeworms. Anyone can be affected by parasites, but there are some patients, such as those with poor immune systems and Lyme sufferers, who are more risk-prone.
  • The symptoms of parasites and Lyme are often very similar. It may be easy for many people to overlook the presence of a parasite in their body. Common symptoms range from insomnia and bruxism, to anemia, skin conditions, and more.
  • Parasites and Lyme disease go hand in hand. When parasites are within your system, it is impossible to remove Lyme. Some studies have even found that parasites can protect the bacteria of Lyme inside themselves.
  • Treating parasites can also mean treating chronic illness. Often, treatment for parasitic infections will begin with a careful consideration of diet. Make sure to remove grains, sugars, and pork from your diet. You should also consider adding substances like garlic, diatomaceous earth, and coconut oil.
  • One of the most powerful treatments for Lyme and parasites is Mimosa Pudica. This substance paralyzes parasites and flushes them from the system.
  • Management for parasite die-off will be necessary during a cleanse. Removing Lyme and parasites from your body can be an exhausting process.


It is difficult to think that there might be parasites crawling around inside you. The concept is nerve-wracking, and just plain disgusting. Experts believe that more than 50% of people in the Western world will suffer from a parasitic infection in their lifetime. It is easy to understand why this is the case when the human body is crawling with bacteria. The digestive tract holds more than three pounds of bacteria alone.

Although some bacteria can be good for your body, improving nutrient absorption and digestion, other bacteria can be devastating. When the bacteria in your system gets out of balance it creates a perfect place for parasites to thrive.

Parasites can enter your body in many ways and eating lot of fructose and glucose feeds the parasites helping them multiply. Pharmaceuticals, such as antibiotics, can also deplete the digestion system of bacteria and encourage parasitic growth.

For people with chronic Lyme, the problem is that they may not know they have a parasitic infection. This can mean that you are attempting to rid the body of disease while the parasites inside you are still acting as a host for Lyme disease itself. Researchers believe that parasites could play a part in every common illness. If you want to get rid of a chronic disease, you need to start by killing parasites.

The first step, of course, is recognizing that you have parasites in your body. The disturbing truth is that you probably do. Studies indicate that most people have parasites – especially those with chronic illnesses like Lyme.

The Symptoms of Parasites: What to Watch For


Parasites are complex creatures. Almost always associated with inflammatory diseases, including chronic Lyme, they actively prevent good health. A parasitic infection can range all the way from tiny microscopic organisms, to tapeworms that are several feet long. A parasite can enter your body through water, food, or even just skin contact.

The key thing to remember is that anyone can have a parasites. These creatures are not just common for impoverished countries and unhygienic environments. Parasites are a common all over the world, including the United States.There are factors that can mean you have a greater level of risk.

Factors that can increase your risk of parasite infection include:

  • You frequently swallow water from ponds, lakes, rivers, or other unhygienic sources.
  • Your immune system is compromised, perhaps because you’re suffering from chronic Lyme.
  • You work in a medical environment that might include direct contact with feces and bodily fluids
  • You travel frequently to tropical regions where parasitic infections are more common.

The symptoms involved with parasitic infections are varied. Many involve skin problems, such as hives, rashes, eczema, and psoriasis. According to Parasite expert, Dr. Todd Watts, one of the most common problems links back to trouble sleeping. Many of his patients suffer from insomnia and “bruxism”.

Bruxism, or the grinding of teeth, can happen because parasites are more active at night. Additionally, parasites can also be responsible for anemia and blood sugar problems. Before you begin treating your parasites, you may need to come to terms with some of the common symptoms. For chronic Lyme sufferers, pinpointing symptoms can be particularly difficult. Lyme symptoms and the signs of parasites are often very similar.

Some signs that you may have a parasitic problem include:

  • Insomnia, consistent fatigue, and poor sleeping habits
  • Lowered immune systems, the appearance of new allergies, and constant illness
  • Rashes, itching, and skin problems such as sores, or eczema and Psoriasis
  • Mental problems such as brain fog, anxiety, or depression
    Food cravings
  • Joint and muscle pains
  • Eye spots or difficulties with sight
  • Anemia, low blood sugar, or adrenal fatigue
    Parasites and Chronic Lyme Disease

It is an uncomfortable truth that the human body is crawling with hundreds of strains of bacteria. When properly balanced, the right bacteria can be beneficial. However, when bacteria falls out of balance, problems begin to occur. In chronic Lyme disease patients, imbalance is a significant problem. Ongoing inflammation within the body, and issues with the immune system can throw the entire system into chaos.

In many circumstances, parasites enter the body because we create the ideal environment for them. With a compromised immune system from Lyme disease, consistent gut problems, and exposure to various chemicals, we are welcoming parasites in. Experts, like Dr. Watts, believe that to overcome chronic infections such as Lyme, we need to first address parasites.

Interestingly, it is also worth noting that some parasites can house Lyme disease. In other words, if you do not remove the parasites from your system before treatment, you’ll still have protected Lyme bacteria in your system living inside of the parasites. One study, which examined the brain tissue of patients who died due to serious neurological conditions, revealed that Lyme can thrive within nematoid worms., and

Without a protocol that takes parasites into consideration, treatments for Lyme disease may be temporary, or completely ineffective. While it is possible that treatments that do not engage parasites might lead to some improvements in your symptoms, many problems will remain or return later on. This is because parasites allow Lyme disease to persist within the body, inside the parasites, even after treatment.

On top of the problems that parasites impose when it comes to Lyme, they also cause a range of problems in general with your health. Simply ignoring the presence of parasites in your body could mean overlooking solutions that could allow you to achieve optimum health.

Treating Parasitic Infections to Treat Chronic Illness

Treatment for parasitic infection can come in numerous forms. There are a range of natural treatments that can help to eliminate parasites and prepare the body for better health. Most of the time the best solutions for parasitic infections involve changing your diet and using the right supplement at the right time.

People suffering from parasitic problems in combination with Lyme can make the problem worse by consuming sugars. It is often recommended that you remove all sugars and grains from your diet during a parasitic removal so you are not feeding the parasites as you try to eliminate them. Dairy can also present problems for some patients, although you should seek out guidance from a professional.

Natural Solutions For Parasites:

Just as there are foods that can worsen parasitic infections, there are other foods that can help your circumstances. For instance, pumpkin seeds help to fight off parasitic infections. There are also a range of other solutions that are commonly recommended, including:

Garlic: Garlic can be a powerful solution when removing yeast and parasites. It is a natural source of health-boosting nutrients. To use garlic, simply mince two cloves into a glass of water.
Cinnamon: Cinnamon can be a fantastic remedy for a range of different illnesses. Cinnamon can break down a parasite infestation and kill fungus in the body.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C is wonderful for boosting your immune system. While fighting Lyme disease, Vitamin C can give your body the antioxidants it needs to thrive. For the purpose of parasite removal, it is best to take around 5,000mg per day.
Coconut oil: Coconut oil is a naturally nourishing anti-fungal substance. You can consume coconut oil throughout the day to support parasitic removal and soothe your gut.
Apple cider Vinegar: A rich source of B-vitamins, apple cider vinegar is useful for neutralizing the pH in your gut, which can help to make the intestines healthier. By boosting your microbiome health, you can improve digestion, and remove parasites at the same time.
Diatomaceous Earth: Effective at killing parasitic eggs, and parasites, Diatomaceous earth is great for improving your digestive tract.

Natural solutions

Foods To Avoid:
Banishing parasitic infections is a complicated process. Generally, you’ll need to focus on introducing positive substances into your diet, while removing dangerous substances. There are some foods that will naturally help parasites to thrive. Since your aim will be to remove parasites at all costs, stay away from:

Pork: Pork is one of the most common sources of parasites. Because pigs consume and process food differently to humans, there are toxins present within the flesh of the animal. It is crucial to avoid pork when cleansing your body of parasites.
Grains: Wheat and many other grains containing gluten can quickly break down into sugar. Sugar not only feeds parasites, but also leads to intestinal inflammation.
Processed foods: Processed foods are bad for your health because they contain a lack of nutrition. However, it is worth noting that these foods also contain a great deal of sugar.
Alcohol: Alcohol impairs the immune system and many other elements in the body. To improve your body functioning during a parasite cleanse, avoid alcohol.
Sugar: Sugar reduces the functioning of the immune system, and feeds parasites.

One of the best treatment solutions for removing parasites is a Mimosa Pudica (Para 1) protocol. The best supplier of premier, fat soluble, additive free Mimosa Pudica, is Microbe Formulas. Importantly, while there are other Mimosa Pudica options on the market, the Organic Mimosa Pudica offered by Microbe Formulas is the most pure form for treating parasitic infections.

Mimosa Pudica actively paralyzes parasites and forces them to fall away from their position on intestine walls. This means that parasites can be effectively flushed from your system.

With Mimosa Pudica, patients have seen huge improvements in their lives, thanks to the removal of parasitic infections. The good news about this substance, is that it is a powerful tool to include in any parasite protocol. This means that regardless of what your parasitic treatment includes, Mimosa Pudica (Para 1) could enhance your protocol.

The system fits into every GI and GAP protocol, because it helps to create a healthier gut microbiome. To make the gut system more effective, it is crucial to get all the mucus, parasites, and other dangerous substances out of your stomach and intestines. Whether mucoid plaque or parasites, you need to begin by clearing out your microbiome.

Mimosa Pudica supplements should be used for at least six months. The supplement mentioned above is particularly effective because it plays multiple parts in recovery. Not only does it bind the toxins in the body, but it also repairs cell membranes. On top of that, it delivers positive nutrients into the blood and digestive system.

Importantly, if you are considering using Mimosa Pudica, you will need to deal with issues of constipation first. If you’re struggling to pass bowel movements, this can be a serious problem for any parasite or detox program. Although the substance itself can cause a little constipation at first by releasing things throughout the body, it is important for patients to manage their bowel movements. Make sure that you use enemas, magnesium, and frequent water consumption to push your bowel movements through.

Managing Parasite Die-Off
As we bring this conversation about parasites and Lyme disease to a close, one important thing to mention is parasite die-off. Crucially, as you move forward with your parasite cleanse, you may notice that you begin to suffer from a range of symptoms caused by the death of parasites in your system.

Regardless of the cleanse you choose, the process of removing parasites and Lyme from your body is exhausting. It is crucial to make sure that you get plenty of rest. Sometimes its best to take some time off of work if possible to reduce stress and recover faster. On the other hand, you might consider using a gentler cleanse to help acclimatize your body. Some of the symptoms you might expect during die-off include:

Headaches: Pain and headaches are common with parasite die-off. Sometimes, these pains are a result of a change in your internal environment. In some cases, headaches can also be a result of parasites moving around in your head.
Crawling sensations: A parasite cleanse is an uncomfortable experience for your unwanted guests. This means that the parasites might begin to move around in your body. The truth is that many patients will not be able to feel this movement. However, you may convince yourself that you can notice a crawling sensation.
Issues with digestion: When parasites are living in your body, digestive problems are common. In some cases, as you begin to rid the parasites from your body, you might find that the symptoms appear to get worse. You may experience issues like diarrhea and bloating as your body eliminates toxins.
Skin sores: As mentioned above, skin problems are a symptom of parasites. However, sores can also occur when the body tries to remove toxins and parasites too fast. The skin can suffer from breakages and sores over time.
Problems with emotional stability: Parasites thrive on your nutritional income. A parasite can also steal away the nutrients and minerals that you need to enjoy good mental health. You might struggle from periods of anxiety and depression during die-off.
Cravings: As mentioned above, parasites thrive on sugars and other types of food. It is important to remove these foods from your diet during a parasite cleanse. However, doing so could leave you with specific cravings. Make sure that you do not give in to them!
Respiratory effects: Killing parasites in the body can mean that your system takes drastic measures to rid you of the infection. Increasing the flow of mucous is a common way to respond to contaminants. There’s a chance that you’ll experience respiratory symptoms similar to the common cold.
Frequent bruising: When parasites begin to feel threatened, they can move around. Sometimes, the restlessness of parasites in your body can cause them to move closer to the skin. When this happens, you might find that you see more bruises on your body.
Ultimately, it is fair to say that removing parasites from your body can be a difficult and uncomfortable process. However, if you want to overcome Lyme for good, it is essential to start by killing parasites.

If you leave parasites unattended in your body, they can contribute to a range of illnesses and diseases, including chronic Lyme. On top of that, it is simply impossible to live in good health with a buildup of parasites in your body.

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More on Parasite treatment:

Dr. D. KLINGHARDT PROTOCOL – To be used only under the direct supervision of qualified medical practitioners.  
(systemic parasite medications)

The following represents only PART of Dr. K.’s protocol. Other herbs and therapies comprise the complete protocol. They can be found in the “A Deep Look Beyond Lyme” in the note book. That information is from 2011 and is being updated as Dr. K and other physicians learn more.

The following drugs are used for a year in rotation to kill parasites.

1. Biltricide 600 mg – twice daily (q. 12 hours) for two days
Absorption increases most when taken with a high carb meal. A high fat meal increases it almost as much. Take with grapefruit juice to increase absorption also.

2. Ivermectin 12 mg – one 12 mg (or four 3 mg) tablet(s) four times per day for fourteen days (take at the same time as Pyrantel Pamoate) on an EMPTY stomach.
Pyrantel pamoate (liquid – 4 teaspoons) 1000 mg per day at bedtime for fourteen days.

3. Albenza 400 mg – Two 200 mg tablets twice per day for fourteen days (after completing fourteen days on Ivermectin and Pyrantel). Take with food. (every 12 hours)

4. Alinia 1000 mg – Two 500 mg tablets twice per day for fourteen days (after completing Albenza) every 12 hours

(A’s addition from Dr. Clark’s Book – Levimasole 100 mg (3 times/day) before meals)


5. Mimosa Pudica (Biopure) – ½ teaspoon 2x/day for fourteen days mixed drink, milk or juice

6. Arteminisin (Biopure) – 200mgs 2x/day for fourteen days.
ALWAYS take with 4 oz. of grapefruit juice 30 minutes before meals.

REPEAT ENTIRE SEQUENCE 4 TIMES.  Nurse practitioner Rebecca Keith on Parasites and MCAS.

For another take please read this by Susan Luschas, PhD, and mom who has done a lot of footwork for her family:


“Dr. Klinghardt has suggested that when it comes to parasites, this is where some of the pharmaceutical options really shine and are often necessary.” –Quote from Better Health Our family had to learn this the very hard way (See 5 years and thousands of dollars in the previous section).

I no longer believe that you can get rid of parasites in humans without prescription medications. If I could do it all over again, here is a list of what I would do, in order from first to last:

Enemas to get a head start on worms
Kalcker Protocol for worms
Additional Parasite Medications for flukes, protozoans, and more worms
Gallbladder Liver Flush & Massage to flush out the dead ones
Suppositories if itchy bum  and  Excellent articles, both by Dr. Simon Yu, M.D.  Here we learn an inconvenient truth about nearly ALL coinfections including nematodes: Despite the prevalence of parasitic worms, anthelmintic drug discovery is the poor relation of the pharmaceutical industry. The simple reason is that the nations which suffer most from these tropical diseases have little money to invest in drug discovery or therapy. It comes as no surprise therefore that the drugs available for human treatment were first developed as veterinary medicines. There is thus a pitifully small repertoire of chemotherapeutic agents available for treatment (see Table 1). In some respects, this situation has been exacerbated by the remarkable success of ivermectin over the last twenty years (Geary, 2005), which has decreased motivation for anthelmintic drug discovery programmes (Geary, Sangster and Thompson, 1999). This prompts concern, as anthelmintic resistance has been widely reported in livestock and it may also only be a matter of time before this phenomenon occurs in parasites of humans.

The drug industry just isn’t attracted to these pathogens.  Frankly, treatment is in the stone ages on all things TBI.

For more on detoxing: