Health Advisers Rename ‘Adverse Reactions’ to COVID-19 Vaccine

If you start hearing about “immune responses” that many people have in conjunction with the COVID-19 vaccine, be aware: This is the new name for adverse reactions.

In other words, the COVID-19 vaccine no longer has “adverse reactions” but, rather, the bad side effects you feel — some of which could be very serious — are now called “immune responses.”

This information was buried at the bottom of an article by CNBC in connection with the news that 10% to 15% of vaccine recipients will suffer “significantly” noticeable” side effects. Some health officials are concerned that the connotation of “side effects” and “adverse reactions” may be off-putting to the public, so in an attempt to reprogram how you think about the side effects, one health practitioner suggested changing the definition of “adverse reactions” to “immune response.”

The term “immune response” should be used even if what you’re feeling is bad enough for you to stay home from work, they said. Health officials also admitted they have no idea whether there are any long-term adverse reactions to the vaccine such as delayed autoimmune disease or other safety concerns.

SOURCE: CNBC December 1, 2020



For Wisconsin’s Vaccine Requirements:

Thankfully, our state allows for 3 ways for vaccines to be waived: Medical, Philosphical, and Religious exemptions are in place; however, these freedoms are continually being attacked.  Join NVIC for updates and information on vaccines.