AMA President Opposes Free Speech

Dr. Jesse M. Ehrenfeld believes vaccine orthodoxy must be preserved at all costs

Dr. Jesse Ehrenfeld was inaugurated president of the American Medical Association in 2023. He and his colleague—Dr. Benjamin Hoffman, an Oregon-based pediatrician—just wrote a very foolish editorial in MEDPAGE TODAY titled: Medical Misinfo Runs Rampant Online. The Gov’t Must Retain the Right to Intervene.—Combating vaccine falsehoods and other inaccurate claims protects public health

According to Dr. Ehrenfeld’s bio that is posted on the AMA website, he has a distinguished career in anesthesiology. His bio also states:

Upon his inauguration, Dr. Ehrenfeld made AMA history as the first openly gay president of the organization. For the past two decades, he has been a nationally recognized advocate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) individuals. In 2018, in recognition of his outstanding research contributions, he received the inaugural Sexual and Gender Minority Research Investigator Award from the director of the NIH.

I’m immediately struck by the combination of anesthesiologist and gay rights activist, as both endeavors have been matters of great controversy since the mid 19th century.

Imagine if—following Friedrich Sertürner’s discovery of morphine in 1805—medical boards in the United States (affiliated with the British East India Company) insisted that ONLY opioid-based analgesics could be used, and that no one could use ether to anesthetize patients. To understand just how much disagreement, discussion, and debate there was around the use of ether, take a look at this history of the Ether Controversy.

Imagine if a medical board in Boston established a censorship apparatus to prevent anyone from challenging the supremacy of morphine as an analgesic, so that William Morton, Crawford Long, and Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. couldn’t publish about the value of ether for surgical anesthesiology.

Fast forward to the end of the 20th century. Imagine if no one was allowed to publish any criticism of the promotion and marketing of OxyContin by Purdue Pharma.  (See link for article)

The AMA is entirely corrupt, instructs doctors to deceive, and has caused untold thousands of deaths due to their banning of early treatments for COVID.


Dr. Füllmich Statement From Prison – ‘Their House of Cards is Collapsing’

Dr. Reiner Füllmich has continued to analyze evidence of the crimes against humanity from prison. that he and the Corona Committee had been working to expose since 2020. The corruption is being increasingly seen worldwide and “Their house of cards is collapsing” according to Reiner, “and we as international attorneys will do our best to speed up that process and make sure that Justice is done.” He adds ‘The windows of truth that are opening worldwide and the light that shines through these windows is in the process of identifying all of those who are responsible, no one will escape Justice.

Reiner Füllmich made this statement in a a break from the his trial due to the Easter holidays which has followed eight days in court. He has now been able to summarize the criminal proceedings against him and concludes that Hoffman and Antonia Fischer were only interested in ‘getting their hands on the Corona Committees donation. He claims that ‘through ‘fraud and extortion’, they had gotten their hands on roughly 1.5 million euros of his and his client’s money.’

Viviane Fischer, however, has confirmed in court that they both took loans in order to secure the Corona Committee’s donations which were at risk from “government attack, but they were both able to pay the monies back.

What this means is accusations that Reiner had embezzled committee funds are unfounded. In fact, there seems to be no reason for the man to have been kept in jail at all, and he believes, as many others do, that the criminal proceedings are an effort to shut him up and put him in jail and can see that the ‘DA’s case, is dead in the water.’

Reiner therefore, seems to be more positive for the future, which can be heard in his statement which you can listen to in full in the video of the audio below. However, I have also transcribed the audio recording verbatim and have added it underneath the video for those unable to play videos. (See link for article and 10 Min video)

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