Spider webs in the Pfizer closet

Kurtosis and the Mystery ORF

Important excerpts:

Lets just remind the reader that now the EMA, the FDA and Health Canada have acknowledged that SV40 promoters are in fact in the vaccine. Despite some of them accusing us of lab contamination, they now can see the sequence in the data Pfizer gave them. They only decided to look 3 years later after a few billion doses.

What is the Mystery ORF in Green on the opposite strand of Spike? Why was this ORF never disclosed despite the WHO and FDA regulation claiming all ORFs need to be identified? This seems like a major omission as FDA can’t claim this is of no consequence if regulations demand all ORFs be disclosed.

That Mystery ORF’s closest hits is to a protein involved in silk. These silk proteins have many amyloidogenic domains.

I guess we will have to comb through Mass Spec data to see if any of these reverse strand mystery ORFs turn into proteins.We shouldn’t have to do this. We have a failure to disclose by Pfizer of an ORF involved in silk, collagen and fibroin. Mysterious clots are getting pulled from patients arteries.

(See link for article)


Pfizer falsified their Western blots. The shots are vastly contaminated with far more than just cancer causing Green monkey cells (SV40).  Adverse events & deaths are off the charts, including IgG4 class switches which tells the immune system to ignore the toxic Spike protein as though it were an allergen. The shots (and even the virus itself) introduce amyloidogenic and prionogenic proteins into the brain and may be infecting people with Creutzfeldt-Jakob and other similar neurodegenerative diseases that arise in protein conformation abnormalities. Yet, the clot-shot train rambles on.  Source


Spider Silk Polymer Sprayed Via Geoengineering Operations From California – Darkfield Microscopy Analysis

Image: Spider silk specimen as received

I recently did an interview with Reinette Senum, during which she asked me if I would help with furthering the investigation of “Spider Silk” found in Jamestown, California, suspected to come from geoengineering operations. Kathryn Saari had already done Infrared Spectra for Qualitative Analysis. The conclusion was that this is natural spider webs.

Polymers have been sprayed via geoengineering operations for decades. I have shown multiple previous examinations of similar white environmental filaments. Optically they absolutely do not look like spider webs for they are much thicker and more durable. The above conclusion that this is “natural spider silk” is unsatisfactory to me.

However spider silk is a polymer has been deployed and developed since 2002 Nexia Delivers Recombinant Spider Silk by a Canadian Biotechnology company, Nexia.  The method to produce the silk fibres was developed by Nexia in conjunction with the US Army Soldier Biological Chemical Command (SBCCOM). SBCCOM’s Natick Soldier Center has been working with Nexia under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) since May 1999.

Nexia was later sold to PharmAthene, Inc, a privately held biotechnology company focused on the development of biodefense therapeutics.

I will discuss the very revealing use of spider silk proteins, which are polyamides, the same proteins that we found creating the rubbery clots in humans in detail in another post.  (See link for article)



  • The deployment of spider silk proteins used in nanotech and biotech applications has been going on for over 20 years and are self assembling polymers also used for transdermal vaccine delivery, biosensing applications, brain computer interface, creation of synthetic neurons and synthetic biology.  Please read this:
  • Chemical analysis has revealed dangerous endocrine disruptors (phthalens)
  • Self assembly from nano scale to macro scale requires metals as a catalyst and these environmental fibers contain large amounts of metals.
  • We are inhaling these polymers & they are replicating in our body.
  • Morgellons has been described as biosensing tech that detects resonant DNA frequency and allows it to be accessed via microwave frequency.
  • This tech is in the COVID shots, food and water supply and air
  • The spider filaments appear to contain Quantum Dot like structures (also found in the COVID jab)
  • Aluminum nanoparticle fallout from climate engineering operations is building up in snow, soils and runoff waters. Testing reveals levels of aluminum so astronomically high that the meltwater can only be considered completely contaminated. This 7 minute video contains important footage. The testimony revealed in this video is from a highly degreed former USFS government scientist.
  • Here is the 2022 patent for 3D graphene oxide nanoparticles for cloud seeding.
    • Graphene oxide which some call the new glyphosphate 2.0, has been found in the COVID shots, masks, and PCR swabs (more than 99% of the Pfizer shot is graphene and has been found in all the shots tested including Pfizer, AstraZeneca, J&J, and Moderna).
    • Due to a federal court order, the FDA confirms this despite ‘fact checkers’ false claims.
    • Former Pfizer employee, Karen Kingston, states graphene oxide is in the shots but is not listed directly on the patents because its use is a trade secret.  It is the main ingredient in ‘pegylated lipid hydrogel and is made by SINOPEG in China.
    • Graphene oxide disrupts the immune system, causes blood clots and inflammation, blocks detox pathways, is magnetic, can be activated via 5G, passes the blood, brain, barrier, and is a chemical warfare agent, created by Dr. Mylo Canderian, Ph.D. in 2015.
    • There are medical doctor-made documentaries claiming to show the phenomenon of  undeclared MAC addresses coming from people, and even dead people (2021 onwards) from graveyards!

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