Eleven month old DIES of mask suffocation.

The AAPS statement of patients’ freedoms provides that patients have the right to be informed about the risks and benefits of any medical intervention, and have the right to refuse medical treatment – and this includes masks. Government recommendations and mandates are in conflict with the available data. There are at least 60 studies and reports  that illuminate downsides of masking.  See the full AAPS statement:  Mask Mandates Do Not Prevent Spread of Respiratory Viruses, They Cause Harm, and Violate the Right to Informed Consent


Do not report COVID cases to schools & do not test yourself if you feel ill

Only non-violent resistance can halt irrational public health actors


SEP 6, 2023

I saw this post today. A school in MoCo, MD (DC beltway) has reimplemented n95 masking for kids. As a side note: there is no n95 mask for kids— as these masks have not been validated in children. In response, one commenter suggests the only solution is to no longer report COVID cases to school. Is this a sensible strategy?

It turns out the answer is yes. Consider the facts. There is no evidence to suggest community mask mandates slow the spread of COVID in adults. There is no evidence to show they slow the spread of COVID in kids, and the best regression discontinuity studies (Spain) show no effect. Finally, there is no *logic* to slow spread in 2023, given that COVID has already engulfed 90%++ of kids (per CDC’s own Ab screens), and will keep spreading throughout humanity for 10,000 years or until we destroy ourselves. We should no longer aspire to slow spread. No one has shown that improves any outcome.

What about long COVID in kids? There is nearly no evidence to show that this entity warrants concern, and no evidence that any of these measures improve kids quality of life.

Given these facts, the policy of the Rosemary Hill Elementary school is not just unjustified— it is harmful. Requiring children to wear a useless mask to prevent the unpreventable— is deranged thinking. (See link for article)



Do Not Test.  Do Not Report.  Resist

Sept. 8, 2023

Dr. Vinay Prasad, MD MPH, Physician and Professor

Suggestions by Dr. Prasad:

  1. If you child is sick— do not test that child for COVID.
  2. When they look good enough for school, send them in.
  3. If you are sick— do not test yourself for COVID. (after all, Paxlovid data almost surely doesn’t apply to you — new post coming).
  4. If anyone is sick, do not tell your employer or school.
  5. Stop reporting these illnesses, and encourage your colleagues to cease reporting.
  6. Decline any further COVID19 vaccination, unless RCTs show benefit in your age group
  7. Complain to your employer about any mandates or declination forms.

Regarding the COVID gene therapy injections which don’t stop transmission or infection and which have been linked to more reports of adverse events and death than any other vaccine in the history of VAERS, Professor Fukushima recently stated:

What vaccines are causing are not drug-related harms. Totally incomplete substance called a nucleic acid medicine, which is in fact not even a medicine, was distributed to the public. So what happened as a result? I dare say, “Murder.” We could say that a massacre has occurred. This is more like a holocaust caused by a bioweapon.  ~ Professor Fukushima  Press conference for Foundation of Study Group on Vaccine Problems in Tokyo, Japan – Sept. 7, 2023

The politicalization of the CDC and its “vaccination panel” is widely known and horribly corrupt.

Fauci supposedly retired.  Why he is being asked about anything at this point proves that tyrants never really go away.


Fauci admits to lack of COVID mask evidence — but wants us to wear them anyway

Dr. Anthony Fauci flip-flopped once again on masking as a means to tamp down COVID-19 as he admitted that a wide-ranging study found that face masks made no difference in the course of the pandemic.

“I am concerned that people will not abide by recommendations,” Fauci told CNN’s Michael Smerconish Saturday in a segment flagging a rise in COVID cases nationwide.

Federal agencies and state and local governments decreed onerous mask mandates for airplanes, schools, public transit, restaurants, workplaces and more starting in 2020 — thanks largely to Fauci, the public face of the nation’s official COVID response.

As the White House’s chief medical adviser, Fauci gave conflicting advice on the efficacy of masking, first saying it was unnecessary for the general public, then that “universal wearing of masks is the most practical way to go.”

Important excerpts:

But in February, a major study from the Cochrane Library found that wearing them was pointless.

“There’s still no evidence that masks are effective during a pandemic,” Tom Jefferson, the study’s lead author, said in February.“

There is just no evidence that they make any difference. Full stop.”



But what is rarely mentioned is the damage masks can cause.

While ‘public health’ says one thing, the NIH quietly re-shared a South Korean study on how masks release 8 times the recommended safety limit of toxic volatile organic compounds (TVOCs).  Inhaling TVOCs have been linked to headaches, and nausea and prolonged and repeated inhalation has been linked to organ damage and cancer.  This website has posted science that repeatedly has shown masks are ineffective for viruses and dangerous to the wearer.

It’s gotten so bad that disinformation centralCNN is questioning face masks.

This should not be a political issue.  It’s a health issue which proves science was completely hijacked during the time of COVID as proven by the continued publishing of anti-science in corrupt “science” journals.

A court found the FDA exceeded its authority when it pushed an anti-ivermectin narrative for treating COVID.  Now, courts need to rule that the CDC, Fauci, Collins, Walensky, and the lot have caused thousands of deaths by their pseuco-science and human rights abuses which continue to rule the world and will continue unless we stand up to it.

For a three-minute preview of the next seven years see “2030 Unmasked.”