57 top scientists and doctors have also just issued a report calling for a stop on all COVID injections:  60a5ff1fd9f50f42f696aec6_23 Fifty Seven Top Scientists and Doctors

https://thenewamerican.com/live-wcfh-covid-2022/  Video Here

Speaking from London on September 27, Consultant Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, once a proponent of Covid vaccination, now presents findings that have convinced him that the mRNA vaccination campaign should be halted.

“There has been a rise in out of hospital cardiac arrests and heart attacks linked to Pfizer’s Covid-19 mRNA vaccine with plausible biological mechanisms of harm,” Dr. Malhotra said, according to a press release from the World Council for Health.

Moreover, Dr. Malhotra said, “Pharmacovigilance systems and real-world safety data, coupled with plausible mechanisms of harm, are deeply concerning, especially in relation to cardiovascular safety.”

Dr. Malhotra’s findings have been published in The Journal of Insulin Resistance. In the paper, Dr. Malhotra notes that there has been “a significant rise in cardiac arrest calls to ambulances in England” in 2021 and that “similar data” was found in Israel “in the 16-39-year-old age group.

Additionally, he found that “in the non-elderly population the “number needed to treat” to prevent a single death runs into the thousands.” He concludes: “It cannot be said that the consent to receive these agents was fully informed, as is required ethically and legally. A pause and reappraisal of global vaccination policies for COVID-19 is long overdue.”

Dr. Malhotra’s findings have been released to international acclaim.

“Dr. Aseem Malhotra has written detailed narrative review of the literature on the uses and abuses of the mRNA covid vaccines,” said Stanford University professor of medicine and epidemiology Jay Bhattarcharya.

“These papers should be considered carefully by all public health authorities who seek to adopt principles of evidence-based medicine in their recommendations to the public regarding the covid mRNA vaccines,” Bhattarcharya continued.

Sherif Sultan, Professor of vascular surgery and President of the International vascular society also emphasized the importance of Malhotra’s work.

“These findings raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced undetected severe cardiovascular side effects and underscore the established causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis, a frequent cause of unexpected cardiac arrest in young individuals,” Sultan said.Sultan concluded:

“Doctor Aseem Malhotra’s literature review and analysis is a cause for global concern.”
Leading scientists say the paper is important.

He also wrote “Curing the Pandemic of Misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Through Read Evidence-Based Medicine” Part 1 and Part 2.

http://  Approx. 4 Min

Sept. 26, 2022

Curing the Pandemic of Misinformation on COVID Injections

This 11 minute interview with Dr. Malhotra also discusses his paper but in the beginning of the video he states some very important things:

“You need to understand that the current system is encouraging good people to do bad things. And the root of this problem are big, very powerful corporations that have too much influence on government, on health care, on media, and their primary responsibility is to produce profit for their shareholders, not to give you the best treatment….these corporations, unfortunately, and the way that they go about their business, by misleading people, by their business model being fraud, they act like psychopaths, and they are a psychopathic entity….the conclusion is that we have a psychopathic entity influencing health policy, and that needs to stop and it needs to stop now. ~ Dr. Aseem Malhotra

Paul Offit, a Top “Vaccine” Expert is Warning Healthy Young People to Not Get the COVID Booster.

http://  Approx. 24 min

Sept. 22, 2022

Dr. Vinay Prasad goes over a Lancet study that looks at myocarditis in young people 90 days after onset after the mRNA COVID shots.

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