Combined Early Treatment of Dewormer, Combined with Antihistamine, Expectorant and SSRI Shows Major Clinical Efficacy Against Serious Illness From COVID19

Amazing, it only took 3 years.

Article Excerpts:

Public health, allopathic medicine, the press, and politicians infamously railed against ivermectin as a “horse dewormer.” Fauci himself single-handedly killed a good study by Henry Ford Hospital on corticosteroids and hydroxychloroquine by claiming that because we did not know if it was the corticosteroids or the hydroxychloroquine, the study was “flawed.” That study had a 1/4 reduction in mortality in hospitalized patients.

Now, a study from Thailand has been published that has found that early treatment of dewormer combined with antihistamine, expectorant, and SSRI shows major clinical efficacy against serious illness from COVID-19.

The study investigates a combined early treatment regimen of a dewormer, an antihistamine, an expectorant, and an SSRI, demonstrating significant clinical efficacy in preventing serious illness from COVID-19.This approach challenges the earlier narratives and suggests a potential shift in the treatment paradigm for COVID-19, emphasizing the benefits of combination therapy that simultaneously targets multiple aspects of the disease. (See link for article)


Lancet Study: Early COVID Treatment Prevented Clinical Deterioration

Dr. Been Medical Lectures



One would think this would shift the treatment paradigm, but nope.  Not gonna happen.


Doctor Fined for Prescribing Ivermectin Against COVID-19

Dr. Wei-Hsung Lin prescribed ivermectin to five patients.
By Zachary Stieber, Senior Reporter

A doctor in Washington state has been fined for prescribing ivermectin against COVID-19. He must also take continuing education classes, according to newly filed documents.

Dr. Wei-Hsung Lin must pay $5,000, according to an order signed by the Washington Medical Commission on May 2.

Ivermectin is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treating several conditions, including parasitic worms. Prescribing medicine for unapproved usage is common in the United States, but administration officials have warned against prescribing and using ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment. Regulators have pointed to a database of clinical trials, some of which found ivermectin did not confer a benefit against COVID-19 and some of which found ivermectin was beneficial against the illness.  (See link for article)



All of this over 12 mg of ivermectin for FIVE DAYS!  A drug on the WHO list of essential medicine which is handed out like candy in Africa without a prescription!

Of course, this doctor was attacked for not discussing alternative treatments, for not using the government approved treatment of remdesivir, and for not discussing the COVID gene therapy injections which have caused more reports of adverse reactions and death than any other vaccine in the history of VAERS.

If you had any doubts about mainstream medicine, doubt no more.  It is absolutely corrupt.

Oh – besides paying a fine and needing continuing education, the doctor must write two papers of at least 1,000 words describing what he learned.  The commission is also going to make annual compliance visits including a random selection of records, and the doctor must appear within a year and on an annual basis as part of compliance oversight.  

Compliance = mainstream medicine.  Check your brains at the door, doctors.

I truly hope he sues them.  The madness must end.

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