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Lab That Created Risky Avian Flu Had “Unacceptable” Biosafety Protocols

Mara Hvistendahl


Article Summary & other tidbits (See link for article)

“Someone finally convinced me to do something really, really stupid,” virologist Ron Fouchier.

  • To find out if H5N1 could morph to be transmittable between humans, Foucher and his team “mutated the hell out of H5N1” and looked at how readily it would bind with cells in the respiratory tract. They found it only took 5 mutations to give it the ability to latch onto cells in the nasal and tracheal passageways.
  • The “really, really stupid” part consisted of a high risk experiment letting the virus itself evolve to gain killer capacity. They put the mutated virus in the nose of a ferret and then put the infected material from the first ferret into the nose of the second ferret. After repeating this 10 times, H5N1 became as transmissible as the seasonal flu.  
  • This means the virus is airborne and reassortment with mammalian viruses isn’t required for it to evolve to spread through the air. According to virology professor Ab Osterhaus, the mutations are out there but they haven’t gotten together yet.  He also flatly stated that eradicating the flu is impossible.
  • Experts admit they are clueless on how viruses spread, although recently the worse purveyor of misinformation, the WHO, flip-flopped and is now admitting the COVID virus and other germs spread ‘through the air,” when in 2020 the agency tweeted: “FACT: #COVID19 is NOT airborne.” There’s no definition of particle size and no cutoff for these supposed infectious respiratory droplets (IRPs) which is quite convenient for tyrants and mask lovers.  This article gives all the credit to the worthless measures that imposed and ignore the fact that the reason the flu, RSV and other respiratory infections disappeared during COVID is because they counted EVERYTHING as COVID!
  • Professor Lockdown,’ Neil Ferguson, the man behind the Imperial College model that erroneously predicted a tidal wave of COVID deaths in the US that allowed politicians to lock down the population, was also the man behind a number of similarly over-the-top mortality projections in previous public health scares, including wildly faulty death forecasts for the 2005 bird flu scare and the 2009 swine flu scamdemic test run. Ferguson is actually on record admitting that lingering immunity in older populations reduces the spread.
  • The research making H5N1 airborne was so controversial that a Dutch court required Fouchier to secure an export permit before he could publish his findings. The permit was designed to prevent the spread of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. The rules include dangerous flu viruses and related technical data. At the time, the backlash for this research was so potent that Fouchier, and Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and other prominent flu scientists voluntarily agreed to pause the transmissibility work. NIAID funded both labs and Fouchier was also a sub-awardee on a grant to a U.S. institution.  
  • After a biosafety staffer in Madison spoke to an audience to dispel what she called myths about safety, Kawaoka’s lab saw two accidents just a week apart involving lab-created flu viruses.  This caused a 6-week flurry of spats between high level administrators on both sides.
  • It must be noted that The Intercept obtained over 5,500 pages covering 18 years detailing lab accidents reported to NIH that show various animal bites, escapes, needlesticks, equipment malfunctions, and even some human infections.
  • The NIH’s reaction to the accidents was more extreme than in any other instance examined. After many other accidents, including for some involving potential pandemic pathogens, the same bureaucrats responded with brief thank-you emails. In a few cases, they asked for corrective actions. In no other instance did they threaten to withhold funding like they did with Kawaoka.

“We should be brave enough to say that some experiments should not be done.” ~ Simon Wain-Hobson, virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris 

  • A U.S. government moratorium on funding for ‘gain of function’ research occurred in 2014 yet just 3 years later, the pause was lifted and the DHHS shifted to a framework called P3CO, where a special review process was required to get funding.  
  • In 2016 NIAID administrators flagged a proposal by EcoHealth Alliance for their collaborative work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on bat coronavirus research as being covered by the moratorium, but instead of insisting on modifications to make the research safer, they let the organization craft an unusual rule to govern itself.  Since P3CO was adopted, only three projects have undergone special review, but the Washington Post identified 8 projects that warranted review, and according to  Stat and Science, two more risky experiments emerged that had not undergone review.
  • Part of the problem is that the NIH charged the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity with reconsidering the P3CO policy, along with a policy on dual-use research. The NSABB has a fraught history, and its members are appointed by NIH itself. There is an inherent conflict of interest in having a group appointed by an agency to review that agency’s work.  Another problem is that when lab accidents happen it is handled quietly and they don’t put it in the local newspaper to warn the public.

(See link for article)


For more:



Should We Be Concerned About Bird Flu?

Rumours of a deadly bird flu pandemic, hot on the heels of Covid-19, remind us of the disastrous results of implementing novel GMO gene products in the guise of vaccines without adequate testing.

You’ve got a dangerous vaccine for a non-threatening disease … It’s supposedly for a life-threatening illness. Of course, conjunctivitis is not life-threatening! The whole purpose of the bird flu scare is to make you think that pandemics are always lurking, they’re coming for you all the time, and you need [the health bureaucracy] to save you.  ~ Dr Meryl Nass, Internist and Epidemiologist

Written by WCH Health & Science Committee lead Christof Plothe DO.

Largest ever bird flu outbreak

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that since January 2022, the largest outbreak of avian influenza (bird flu) in recorded history has occurred worldwide (CDC, 2024). By 7 May 2024, what has been identified as a subtype of influenza, referred to as H5N1, had apparently been detected in over 9,000 wild birds and affected more than 90 million poultry in the United States alone. Bird flu outbreaks have affected regions such as Asia, Africa, Europe, the Pacific, and the Near East (CDC, 2024), wreaking havoc on the poultry industry and impacting farmers’ livelihoods and international trade.

In 2022, an independent journalist reported that former CDC Director Robert Redfield had predicted that bird flu would jump to humans and prove highly lethal, triggering a ‘Great Pandemic’, which would make Covid-19 seem like a mere warm-up (Westbrook 2022). In 2005, then-President George Bush spent over $7 billion on preparations for bird flu, warning that it could kill more than two million Americans (Bush, 2005).  Despite this, naturally occurring avian influenza (H5N1) has never posed a threat to humans.

Humans at low risk from H5N1

The CDC maintains that H5N1 poses a low risk to humans and that there is currently no known mechanism for human-to-human transmission. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), bird flu has been responsible for only 463 deaths worldwide over the past 20 years. They do not mention if the deceased died from  bird flu or with it.  (See link for article & at home treatments)



The article points out that a PCR test cannot detect the identity of the virus nor can it detect its variants or sub-varients, so we are at the mercy, once again, of a ‘casedemic’ caused by a fraudulent test which is being manipulated for a predetermined outcome: high cases to push a fear narrative to get a lucrative injection.

This time, they will indiscriminately inject animals and humans alike with their conveniently stockpiled ‘vaccines.’