Chronic Lyme & the CDC

This is evident in the updated wording on the CDC website, which says, “The state of the science related to the persistent symptoms associated with Lyme disease is limited, emerging, and unsettled. Additional research is needed to better understand how to treat, manage, and support people with persistent symptoms associated with Lyme disease.” While the CDC isn’t using the term chronic Lyme, they are validating the experience as well as the need for better research to understand it. Again, the needle is moving in the right direction.

With Lyme treatment and recovery, everything happens in baby steps (sometimes forward and sometimes backwards). We want to get immediately better, but when you’ve been sick for a long time, there isn’t a quick fix. We appreciate little progress as we work towards a larger goal of wellness. When it comes to validation of chronic Lyme disease, I similarly appreciate the progress that is being made, knowing there is still distance to be covered. I believe we Lyme warriors have reason to hope.


By Jennifer Crystal

Chronic and Persistent Lyme Symptoms: CDC Update Underscores Progress

The CDC’s update on Lyme infections is a shift in tone on the long-lasting symptoms and challenges faced by individuals. As acceptance of ‘long COVID’ and the concept of persistent illnesses grows in familiarity, the CDC’s update on Lyme disease is no exception.

In the evolving landscape of post-infection ailments, the CDC’s recent update delves into persistent symptoms following Lyme infections. This exploration underscores a crucial reality: infections can cast a long shadow, leaving individuals with enduring symptoms that debunk conventional CDC timelines, persisting for weeks, months, or even longer, despite what is deemed ‘appropriate’ treatment.

The CDC’s goes on to list disease agents or co-infections associated with chronic symptoms, including Borrelia burgdorferi, Campylobacter, Chikungunya virus, Coxiella burnetii, Dengue virus, Ebola virus, Epstein Barr virus, Enterovirus, Poliovirus, SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), and West Nile virus. What’s striking is the challenge faced by many: identifying the specific infection triggering these persistent symptoms. For some, the initial infection might have gone unnoticed, leading to a diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome.

This update holds broader significance. For years, the medical community, including the CDC, resisted acknowledging the chronic nature of Lyme disease. Even after distancing itself from the IDSA Lyme treatment guidelines, which denied the existence of chronic Lyme, the CDC remained cautious in recognizing persistent Lyme symptoms. However, the arrival of COVID-19 shifted the paradigm dramatically.

The pandemic brought forth a wave of ‘long COVID’ cases, characterized by symptoms like debilitating fatigue and cognitive fog—symptoms strikingly similar to those endured by individuals with persistent Lyme disease, ME/CFS, and other chronic conditions. A 2022 CDC survey revealed the staggering scale of long COVID’s impact: nearly 18 million Americans wrestled with it since the pandemic began, with almost 9 million still affected at the time of the survey.

Perhaps ‘long COVID’ forced the hand of the CDC to shift its language around Lyme disease.  Nevertheless, this is not an admission of chronic Lyme, but it is an acknowledgement of chronic illness and symptoms that interplay with a Lyme diagnosis. This update underscores progress, acknowledging the enduring impact of infections. Yet, it serves as a stark reminder of the long road ahead in the fight for recognition and understanding of chronic Lyme disease. While the CDC’s step towards recognizing persistent symptoms is notable, the battle for acknowledging and addressing chronic Lyme disease at the CDC is far from over.

To see the updated webpage on the CDC’s website, click here



I do not share the same optimism as the authors of these articles, and I write about my reasons in the comment section of this article.

In short, the CDC is such an abject, conflict riddled organization that abandoned science so long ago, it should be completely disbanded.  Any statements it makes should not only be taken with a grain of salt – you should do the exact opposite.

If their brazen, continued illegal handling of COVID didn’t prove this, nothing will.

This institutionally biased agency has manipulated, ignored, and hidden data for its own purposes, insists upon using its own faulty tests, cherry picks and destroys inconvenient data, owns patents on virtually every aspect of disease, and actually purchased, monitored, and used your cell phone data.  Source

For some reason people still want to believe in this evil agency when it has done nothing to help patients.  And when I say nothing, I mean nothing. In fact, it has been the direct cause of patient suffering for over 40 years.  Did you know it began in 1798 as the Marine Hospital Service (MHS) which then morphed into the Public Health Service (PHS) in 1902 that sprayed for mosquitoes with DDT during WWII.  What started as 400 employees mushroomed to 15-16 thousand.  Did you know that it was behind the Tuskagee Experiment before changing its name to the Communicable Disease Center (CDC) which then became the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)?  The agency’s initial focus was on tropical and subtropical diseases.

Did you know it is not a true government agency due to vast amounts of private funding it funnels through the CDC Foundation?
No matter how many times this agency changes its name, it remains the same evil, corrupt agency.

I also question the entire premise of “Long-COVID.”  Until the “vaccinated” are separated from the unvaccinated – nobody will ever get a true picture of anything.  “Long-COVID” could very well be a bait and switch to distract from all the adverse reactions from the gene therapy injections that are riddled with so many problems it’s hard to keep up with them all.  ‘The powers that be’ definitely need a scape-goat and “Long-COVID” fits the bill perfectly.

I’m so done with the CDC and you should be too.