An Avian influenza ‘crisis’ rolls in ‘Just in Time’ for key WHO deliberations to expand their global power over virtually every aspect of human life.

A brief history reveals the twenty year global “game on” mass vaccination (traditional and genetic) of poultry with no attempt to allow natural immunity from infection (sound familiar?). If avian flu is detected the farmer will be reimbursed by the government for culling his flock, but NOT for his losses from natural mortality.

The government is incentivizing farmers to “depopulate” their flocks instead of letting the flu run its course to propagate herd immunity.

Further, in an uncanny resemblance to Fauci’s 2017 prediction of COVID, in 2022 former CDC Director Robert Redfield predicted the next pandemic will be caused by a bird flu with a 10-15% lethality rate. The U.S. has collaborated with Chinese scientists in biolabs working on and located where outbreaks have occurred for both diseases. The readiness of ‘vaccines’ is financially rewarding to those involved; however, both bird flu and COVID ‘vaccines’ utilize mRNA technology which has no long-term safety data, but has been found to be linked with cancer. Lastly, both diseases have effective, safe, cheap treatments the government is suppressing.

‘Vaccination’ is far too often credited with disease eradication, but actually contributes to the spread of disease, including more infectious variants.

Go here to read how one dairy farmer isn’t concerned in the least about Avian influenza because his livestock have strong immune systems due to walking around in grass grown in microbe-rich topsoil.


The great Bird Flu scare is back

The anti-humans are coming for your steak and eggs.

Another “scary” China virus has appeared, except this time, it’s another re-run of a frequently used storyline. The “Public Health Experts” and their loyal media stenographers are back with a new narrative.

Bird Flu is back in the news these days, with some media outlets declaring this fiasco “the worst bird flu outbreak in American history”!

But it’s not even a “new strain” fiasco like the Covid hysteria days.

In fact, the very strain being discussed has been around for decades.

The H5N1 influenza virus is reported to exist since at least 1959, when the deaths of a few chickens were blamed on the virus. This particular strain was first identified almost 30 years ago, in China, of all places.

Since then, governments around the world have slaughtered hundreds of millions of birds in the name of “stopping the spread.”  (See link for article)



  • CDC Director Mandy Cohen is very worried as avian flu has been found in cattle.
  • ‘Authorities’ state new ‘cases’ are being reported in humans despite the act there’s no evidence other than conjunctivitis ‘believed to be’ associated.
  • There’s no proof birds can transmit the disease to humans, or that humans transmit to other humans, so the cattle to human angle is going to be pumped for all its worth.
  • Never one to let a good ‘crisis’ go to waste, the government has a giant stockpile of H5N1 vaccines which they say are a ‘good match’ for this latest strain.  How convenient.
  • Will this latest narrative stick or will a more potent thing be rolled out?


CDC Sends New ‘Health Alert’ Over Bird Flu in the US

The CDC delivered a fresh alert on avian influenza after a Texas farm worker became sickened with H5N1
By Jack Philliips
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sent an alert on April 5 to state health departments and providers after a human bird flu infection in a Texas dairy farm worker was confirmed earlier this month.

In a “health alert network” advisory, the federal agency said that health care providers should be aware of its “updated recommendations” on “instructions for infection prevention and control measures, using personal protective equipment (PPE), testing, antiviral treatment, patient investigations, monitoring of exposed persons” such as individuals who have been “exposed to sick or dead wild and domesticated animals and livestock with suspected or confirmed infection” with H5N1 avian influenza.

As for doctors and health care workers, they “should consider the possibility of” bird flu in people “showing signs or symptoms of acute respiratory illness or conjunctivitis and who have relevant exposure history” with potentially sickened livestock or birds, the agency said. Conjunctivitis is a key symptom, according to the agency.

People with a confirmed case or with compatible bird flu symptoms should be isolated, given antiviral treatment, and should isolate from members of their household, according to the CDC alert. (See link for article)



Keep in mind:

  • Our government is funding gain-of-function research in China to make Bird Flu more infectious
  • The PCR was never designed to diagnose.
  • A positive test does not mean a person is ill.
  • COVID clearly showed case manipulation to make the virus appear worse than it actually was. It was all a numbers game to scare the public and to get government kickbacks.   This tactic is still being used.
  • The CDC has been caught hiding troves of data it considers inconvenient.
  • US public health agencies have been lying about ‘flu’ case numbers for decades.  You simply can not believe a word they say.
  • Originally, the flu vaccine was a measure to protect the elderly, but go here for a blast from the past when four researchers during the 1960s found it to be ineffective and refused to give it to their own families. The scientists state they were prevented from publishing their negative findings.
  • Despite this, the ineffective and dangerous ‘flu’ vaccine has increasingly been pushed on everyone 6 months old and up. Now a recent Japanese study shows NO BENEFIT on hard outcomes: hospitalization and death.
  • The ‘Flu’ vaccine is now linked to increased risk of miscarriagePregnant women should not be ‘vaccinated.’  Period.
  • Further demonstrating the diabolical history, the military mandated the Adenovirus vaccine for ‘cold-like symptoms’:

    ”…when it was shown that the vaccine contained a contaminant which caused cancer in laboratory animals, it was taken off the market, but that was 3 years after the division’s scientists have pointed out the danger…”

    The Adenovirus vaccine (which contains live adenovirus Type 4 and type 7 can be shed in stool and and breast milk and infect contacts – particularly children, pregnant women, and those with immune system problems, as well as harming the unborn) is still available for United States military personnel.  It is not available to the general public.

  • Go here for education on the ‘flu’ vaccine.

Please watch the 30 Min documentary “The Plan,” which shows the official agenda of the World Health Organization to have ten years of ongoing pandemics, from 2020 to 2030. This is revealed by a WHO virologist, Marion Koopmans. You will also see shocking evidence that the first pandemic was planned and abundantly announced right before it happened.

Please read how ALL of the COVID policies failed as well as how doctors and epidemiologists tried to warn the world. Our own Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson has held Round Table discussions exposing the lies, and the ‘pandemic’ politics behind it all.

Mistakes were not made.  Don’t let them get away with it.

Turn them off like a water faucet and refuse to comply with their plan.

For more: