Approx. 1 hour, 30 Min

Lyme Crimes: Largest Bioweapon Ever Unleashed

Michael Jaco and self identified Governor of Vermont Kevin Hoyt continue their report on the Lyme crimes. It’s airborne, hereditary, sexually transmitted and all insects that drink blood spread it. We all have it, it’s in our medicine and water and the medical community not only misdiagnose it with intent; they covered it up and silenced the doctors who speak out against it. The current vaccine was just supposed to be “clean up”.

Discussing all of this is Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Christiane Northrup, and Dr. Bryan Ardis.

  • Dr. Ardis starts at about 27:00 with the fact that utilizing insects for bioweapons is old news and has been done for decades.  He warns that ticks also spread parasites – including nematodes (worms) necessitating anti-parasitics.
  • Dr. Lee Merritt starts at 32:30. She has a unique set of skills in that she was a military doctor and has studied bioweapon experiments the military has done – one of which was spraying a bacterium from submarines along the coast of Connecticut where Lyme disease first broke out.  She gives a very interesting history of Edward Jenner and the importance of infecting people under the skin to make them sick (vaccines would be in this category).  I know Dr. Merritt does not believe viruses exist or that they are airborne. There are others (Dr. Sam Bailey amongst others) who don’t believe Lyme is a bacterium. I must admit two things: I am unqualified in this area but pondering that Lyme is not a bacterium certainly rocks my world with everything I studied and have learned from real experts.  All that is to say, I’m open but skeptical.  I’ve questioned viral theory for some time.

Do I believe Lyme is a bioweapon?  It’s certainly looking more like it every day.  I have ZERO respect for powerful, unelected global groups, ‘public health,’ most of mainstream medicine, professional medical groups, hospitalsUniversity research facilities, and science journals. Dr. Merritt states that all of the medical and scientific publishing is owned by the intelligence services.  All of these institutions have been compromised and are not to ever be trusted at face valu e again.

  • Dr. Christiane Northrup starts at 42:00 and states the medical system has blamed patients for being sick.  She also discusses how Fauci made bactrim off limits for AIDS patients with pneumonia so he could roll out AZT.  He repeated this MO when he made ivermectin & HCQ off limits for COVID so he could roll out the clot shots and expensive yet dangerous drugs like remdesivir.
There truly is nothing new under the sun.

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