According to The Exposé, the WHO Pandemic Treaty is all but dead and neutralized, but like all bad actors in any film, they seemingly are able to rise from the dead.

While they failed to produce a draft deal, the bad actors aren’t giving up and believe an accord can still be reached.

In the U.S., 49 Senators wrote a letter to President Biden denouncing the draft agreement, for “shredding intellectual property rights” and potentially “supercharging the WHO,” and called on Biden not to sign off, however it appears Washington is still committed to the centralization of power despite vast public opposition and infringement upon the Constitution. It’s important to note that EU countries make up at least 36% of global trade in ‘vaccines’ and packaged medicines, with Germany being the largest exporter and largest WHO contributor.

Journalist James Roguski told The Defender, “Member nations and the WHO have not given up. To the contrary, they have every intention of continuing in their attempts to finalize the negotiations.”

“Now is not the time to celebrate,” Roguski continued. “Now is the time to come together in order to take focused and massive action.”

Go here to watch a 10 minute highlight of a recent medical freedom rally outside the UN headquarters in NYC against the WHO.

“The international bodies can not touch us if our government does what they are supposed to do. They are derelict in their duty. They have become tyrannical and they have forgotten who they answer to.” ~ Tricia Lindsay, Civil Rights Attorney

A ‘We Are the Change’ rally and march is planned for June 1, 2024 in Geneva.  Swiss Attorney, Philipp Kruse, Esq. gives critical details about the upcoming WHO meetings in Geneva to solidify the dangerous Pandemic Agreement in the wake of their massive failure in the responses to COVID. Hear how you can be a part of the resistance at the upcoming ‘Road to Geneva’ convoy to the United Nations HQ.

The WHO is way beyond repair and reform and needs to be abolished.

CLICK HERE to give each and every Senator a phone call and demand that they instruct their staff to copy House Resolution 79 (H.R. 79 – the WHO Withdrawal Act) and submit it as companion legislation in the Senate. Let them know that you want to #ExitTheWHOnot reform it.  Members of Congress already gave a letter to Biden in 2022 calling on him to exit the WHO.

Just in case you’ve fallen for the misguided notion that the WHO cares about ‘health,’ the organization using the One Health approach, aims to monitor and control the global food supply, but shrouds it under the ruse of preventing diseases that cause diarrhea and achievement of the UN’s  Sustainable Development Goals.

Please also remember the WHO to this day denies the effectiveness of ivermectin and was part of the Cabal keeping thousands upon thousands from effective treatment for COVID.  They only recommend the FDA ‘approved,’ expensive, dangerous and ineffective Paxlovidmolnupiravir, and remdesivir.