1.5 Min

Published on Feb 27, 2017
Find out why parental rights is an issue that matters to us all.

A proposed Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (PRA) would provide that “the liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children is a fundamental right.” By setting a firm constitutional standard to protect these rights, the amendment would provide clear direction for courts, doctors, child welfare workers, and other government officials. Racial bias would diminish as fewer cases are left to the discretion of a judge or other state agent.  Another provision of the proposed Amendment would protect the rights of persons with disabilities.  The proposal states, “The parental rights guaranteed by this article shall not be denied or abridged on account of disability.”

The family of Justina Pelletier found that out the hard way in 2014 when the state of Massachusetts took Justina from them and placed her in the custody of Boston Children’s Hospital. Doctors there were free to enroll her in clinical trials (without parental consent) for the somatoform disorder diagnosis they had given her, rather than continuing the treatment for Mitochondrial disease that her parents and doctors at Tufts Medical Center had been following. After public outrage following her parents going public, Justina was finally returned to her parents 16 months later, in much worse condition than when she was taken away. Her story reemerged in 2016 as the family filed suit in federal court against the state and the hospital who so severely injured their daughter.

Isaiah Rider of Missouri was also taken by the state over a disagreement regarding his treatment. He was finally released by the state of Illinois who had been granted custody (though he was never a resident of the state until he went into foster care) when Lurie Children’s Hospital (Chicago) doctors decided they knew better than his mom. While in foster care, Rider suffered sexual assault. He was finally returned to the custody of his grandparents in his home state, but wasn’t fully released from Illinois care until June of 2016, months after his 18th birthday!

Lyme/MSIDS patients are all too familiar with abuse by the mainstream medical establishment.  Parents with LD/MSIDS are often told they have Munchausen by proxy, a psychological disorder marked by attention-seeking behavior by a caregiver through those who are in their care. Infected children having a difficult time in school are told they are “lazy,” or “bored” and they just need to buckle down and work harder.

Currently, federal law states that parents need their child’s consent to view their health and educational records. https://madisonarealymesupportgroup.com/2017/02/21/parental-rights-in-medical-settings/

http://www.parentalrights.org/quiz  Take the quiz to see how much you know.

ParentalRights.org President Jim Mason met with Senator Lindsey Graham’s staff last Tuesday to lay the groundwork for reintroducing the Parental Rights Amendment (PRA) in the U.S. Senate very soon.  Passing an amendment requires a two-thirds majority in both the House and Senate.  This is important because states are adopting pieces of the U.N. Rights of the child which is a threat to parental rights, and even though the United States has refused to ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the CRC can still have a tremendous affect on U.S. law. If the Convention is co-opted into customary international law, its provisions will shape how our law is understood, and could even be used to pressure American lawmakers and judges to craft new policies to satisfy America’s “international obligations.”  In effect, the Convention would be imposed on the United States, with or without our consent.

On May 25, 2000, two optional protocols were adopted, each of which has been ratified by over 120 states. The first restricts the involvement of children in military conflicts. The second bans the sale of children, child prostitution, and child pornography. It is significant to note that the United States has ratified both of these protocols, so ratification of the full CRC will have no positive impact in these areas of concern.

   37 Min.

Overruled: Government Invasion of your Parental Rights (Official Movie)
Uploaded on Nov 28, 2011

Featuring 3 reenactments based on real cases, “Overruled” is a shocking docudrama that exposes how the rights of parents in America are being eroded and what you can do to turn the tide.

Here’s how you can help:
1. Sign the petition at www.ParentalRights.org
2. Tell others about www.overruledmovie.com
3. Write your local paper
4. Contact your Congressman
5. Make a donation at www.ParentalRights.org