Illustrating the fact the FDA is completely and hopelessly bought out, it is now advocating for a 10th COVID gene therapy injection that doesn’t stop transmission, illness, or death.

When will someone notice the emperor has no clothes on?


On FDA buildings as virtual mailboxes to project the public illusion of biological product manufacturing regulation.

Part 9 of series.


A Bailiwick reader is doing a deep research dive into pre-1972 statutory and regulatory history of some Public Health Service-Health and Human Services divisions, including National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

For context, 1972 is the year that ostensible biologics regulation — which is actually non-regulation — transferred from the NIH Division of Biologics Standards to the FDA Bureau of Biologics.

November 1973 is when FDA published a consolidated set of biological product manufacturing non-regulations in the Federal Register.

Administrative rule-making by FDA since 1973 is relatively easy to locate.

Administrative rule-making by NIH prior to 1973 is more difficult to locate.

One of the questions the reader is trying to answer has to do with whether biological regulation authority was ever statutorily established by Congress, for NIH and its precursor organizations, going back to the late 1800s.

Modern-day NIH and FDA officials present historical accounts of how the biological product and vaccine manufacturing regulatory systems began and developed.

But from her research so far, the reader has concluded that their origin-story claims are not supported by the text of the statutes they cite.  (See link for article)


Important quote:

Since the advent of electronic filing systems, the application and licensing forms have been filed, transferred and stored electronically, and deleted at regular intervals.

There are no technicians in the buildings, there’s no equipment, no sample testing occurs.

It’s all a front: statutes, regulations, procedures, application forms, buildings, addresses, offices, labs, approved applications and licenses sent by FDA back to the factories, everything.

A handful of people at pharma companies know it.

A handful of people at FDA know it.

Go to top link not only for the full article but for the 8 prior parts.  Watt has done a lot of legwork and it deserves to be shared widely.  Things, once again, are not as they seem.  The FDA like the UN, WHO, and WEF should be disbanded.  These organizations are out of control and do ZERO to protect public health.  They all protect their own vested interests.

For more: