WEF Calls for ’24-Hour Monitoring’ of the Public

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is pushing for the “24-hour monitoring” of the general public using “biometric sensors—on, or even inside their bodies.

Details of the plan were revealed by Yuval Noah Harari, a senior advisor to the WEF and its founder Klaus Schwab.

According to Harari, a self-described “transhumanist” who is credited as the architect behind the WEF’s anti-human agenda, tracking the public 24/7 will help globalists provide them with “much better healthcare.”

Harari claims that the technology will give Big Tech companies, including Facebook and Google, access to the 24-hour flow of data.

Alarmingly, Harari also suggested that the Chinese Communist Party would “constantly monitor what’s happening” inside the bodies of the general public.

During an interview, Harari claims:

“Most people will be willing to give up their privacy in exchange for much better healthcare, based on 24-hour monitoring of what’s happening inside their bodies.”

“Very soon, people will walk around with biometric sensors—on, or even inside their bodies—and will allow Google, or Facebook, or the Chinese government, or whoever, to constantly monitor what’s happening inside [their] body.”  (See link for article and interview)



Ask yourself a few important questions:

  1. Do you trust those in control have your best interests in mind?
  2. Could this technology be used against you or someone else?
  3. Do you really believe this will cause “better healthcare?”
  4. How long will it take before dissenters are persecuted simply for having a different opinion?
  5. How safe is this technology?
  6. Do you really want your brain read and manipulated?
  7. Do you believe in enforced global ‘vaccination’?
  8. Do you know many took the COVID gene therapy injection to keep their jobs and then regretted it?
  9. Are you willing to give up your personal freedom and thoughts for convenience?

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