Abolish the WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) is way beyond repair and reform. If you doubt this fact, go here to learn current President of the WHO, Chris Fearne, resigned as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of EU Funds in light of the criminal charges of fraud and misappropriation, he is set to face concerning the Vitals-Steward magisterial inquiry. It would seem that a magisterial inquiry into the WHO is long overdue.

But he’s just the tip of the ice-berg.
Internal documents show the WHO paid at least 104 sexual abuse victims in Congo $250 each.

These women were abused by the very WHO staff and doctors that were supposed to be helping them.  Adding insult to injury, medical costs for 17 children born as a result of the scandal was needed. But before they could obtain any money the WHO required them to attend training!  

Then there’s WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, former Ethiopian health minister and foreign minister who was a member of the terrorist group Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).  Ethiopia’s army chief has previously accused, Tedros of being a ‘criminal,’ and for trying to procure arms and diplomatic backing for the TPLF.  Human Rights Watch reported that he withheld food and medicine from Ethiopians which resulted in 2 million people ‘missing.’

Then there’s the meddlesome issue of the WHO’s diabolical infertility vaccine.  That’s right.  The WHO has sterilized millions of African women without their knowledge under the pretext of a tetanus vaccination campaign. The WHO is also experimenting on African children with a controversial malaria vaccine without obtaining informed consent from parents, which is linked to increased risk of death.

Oh, and don’t forget:

  • By statute, no member of the WHO can be investigated, tried, or prosecuted.
  • In 2018, the WHO tested Remdesivir for Ebola in clinical trials in Africa. They surmised it was too lethal too use as the fatality rate was 53%. The drug was pulled because it was unethical, according to the WHO. Yet, it was suddenly the drug of choice for COVID. This is murder. Source

CLICK HERE to give each and every Senator a phone call and demand that they instruct their staff to copy House Resolution 79 (H.R. 79 – the WHO Withdrawal Act) and submit it as companion legislation in the Senate. Let them know that you want to #ExitTheWHO, not reform it.

From May 27th-June 1st, world leaders will gather for the WHO’s 77th World Health Assembly. During this gathering, it is expected that countries will vote on a new legally binding Pandemic Accord and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHRs) despite not releasing the final version which goes against Article 55 of the IHR (2005) which stipulates that the WHO Director-General must communicate any proposed amendment to all States Parties at least four months before the World Health Assembly for consideration. 

Just in case you’ve fallen for the misguided notion that the WHO cares about ‘health,’ the organization using the One Health approach, aims to monitor and control the global food supply, but shrouds it under the ruse of preventing diseases that cause diarrhea and achievement of the UN’s  Sustainable Development Goals.

Please also remember the WHO to this day denies the effectiveness of ivermectin and was part of the Cabal keeping thousands upon thousands from effective treatment for COVID.  They only recommend the FDA ‘approved,’ expensive, dangerous and ineffective Paxlovid, molnupiravir, and remdesivir.  

Liberty Counsel Action summarized the initiative:

“A new plan for global governance just launched an alliance to control what you eat. The alliance will have authority over what food is being produced, how it will be produced, managed, and inspected – and where the ‘food’ will be distributed.”Go here for more.

But it gets even worse.  The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations (“UN”). The UN is supposed to become the One World Government. The Population Division of the United Nations concerns themselves with international migration. In the year 2000, they published Replacement Migration, a solution put forth to deal with declining and aging populations. Right now; however, mostly single, healthy, fighting age men, without families are flooding U.S. borders and violence has erupted everywhere they go.  It’s highly likely these ‘migrant replacements’ are trained soldiers.

Go here for Greg Reese’s report on how UN troops are being brought in as ‘migrant refugees,’ trained by the British Black Watch Regiment in Turkey, the Ukraine, and east of Ukraine, who signed the Official Secrets Act.  These soldiers will be deployed by the WHO for the next ‘pandemic.’

Adding more details, Overstock.com founder and ex-CEO Patrick Byrne remarked that back in 2015, 2016, Obama bought several million AR-15s or M4s and a trillion rounds of ammunition that are spread in post offices and the IRS, and with 1300 federal agencies, giving each one a vast depot of arms. Byrne has been warning that he feels those arms were prepositioned for the 10 or 12 million military-age males who have just been recruited through Homeland Security phones with the app CBP One, which is a recruiting tool for soldiers to come fight in the U.S against its own citizens.  Source

Senator Josh Hawley pointed out that illegals without appropriate documents could use this app to schedule an appointment to come to the border to be admitted in without interviews or questions.  There are 7 points of entry, 5 in Texas, 2 in California, and 1 in Arizona.

  • To date, 22 state attorneys generals wrote a letter to Biden voicing their concern over this power-grab:
    • which would give WHO a series of powers that would transform the WHO from an advisory, charitable organization into the world’s governor of public health paving the way for a “global surveillance infrastructure.”
    • the federal government CANNOT delegate public health decisions to an international body due to the Constitution which doesn’t vest responsibility for public health policy with the federal government. It reserves those powers for the States. Even if the federal government had such power, Article II, Section 2 requires approval by the United States Senate.”
    • the COVID debacle showed that the WHO and other public health institutions breached public trust and are in serious need of reform. Source
  • Forty-nine Senators have also written a letter to Biden which also delineates the WHO’s failure during COVID.  Unfortunately, the Senators call for reform rather than abolishment.  Please contact your Senators, thanking them for their letter, but that they need to submit companion legislation in the Senate to H.R. 70 (WHO Withdrawal Act which would stop all United States funding of the WHO and it would also repeal the Act of June 14, 1948 that got the United States into the WHO and would begin the one year process to enable the United States to #ExitTheWHO.)  Go here for an email template to send to Congress.  Only Representative Tiffany Thomas (WI-7) as co-sponsored H.R. 79.  


WHO ‘Pandemic’ Agreement a Business Scheme Based on a Fallacy

May 11, 2024

Former World Health Organization medical officer Dr David Bell says talks to draw up a global pact to help fight future pandemics is a “business scheme” based on a “fallacy” that there is an increasing risk of widespread epidemics.  In fact, a report from the University of Leeds, using WHO data, shows that for the past 10-20 years there’s been a reduced risk. 

The WHO declared an emergency for monkeypox when there were only 5 deaths worldwide.

The WHO’s 194 member states are attempting to strike a landmark global agreement on handling future pandemics.

“It’s a business scheme on a level we’ve never seen before to channel public funds into pharmaceutical companies and investment houses that own them,” Dr Bell told Sky News Australia. “In the process impoverish the population and take away the basic freedoms we thought were ours.”

They are putting together a system where about 30-40 BILLION dollars of public money, which is 10 times what we spend on the WHO now, will build this huge surveillance system that will find ‘viral’ variance, there will be lockdowns, and a 100 day mRNA ‘vaccine,’ and all the profits will go to Big Pharma

Twenty five percent of WHO money comes from big corporations and a public/private partnership where these corporations use the WHO for their own interests.

“Grotesque Globalist Contract” UK Rejects Signing WHO Treaty

May 9, 2024 

The UK Government has rejected to sign the World Health Organization pandemic accord that seeks to take a fifth of Britain’s vaccines. Co-founder of Together Association Alan Miller joins Talk’s Kevin O’Sullivan to discuss this further.

“The idea that Tedros will keep us safe is preposterous.”

“It’s really important that the public assert ourselves that we have our voices heard that we make sure MPs, those that are standing in the next election hear from us to say never lockdown, we’re going to vote on you on this basis.”  ~ Alan Miller, Co-founder of Together Association