By Pamela Weintraub Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Hidden Invaders:  Infections can trigger immune attacks on kids’ brains, provoking devastating psychiatric disorders.

Please read Weintraub’s detailed article in link above about seven year old Paul who changed over night, due to pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome (PANS).  

“PANS is thought to be an inflammatory condition that results when an infection or some other invasive trigger spurs the body to turn on itself and attack structures in the brain. For years, scientists had focused on a single infection — group A streptococcal disease — that produced antibodies that attacked the part of the forebrain involved in forming habits, resulting in OCD. Today, the paradigm has widened into a much bigger idea that expands our understanding of psychiatric disease: A whole host of infections and other unknown triggers lead to the production of antibodies and immune cells that can cross into the brain. Depending on where these immune responses land and which brain structures they block, erode or destroy, a range of psychiatric ills can result. In one person, it could be OCD; in the next, it could be hyperactivity and inattention, anxiety, restricted eating, even hallucinations or autistic behavior.”

A prominent Wisconsin Lyme literate doctor states that 80% of his PANS children are also infected with Lyme/MSIDS.  They respond and improve with antibiotics, diet change, probiotics, and other supplements to improve immune function. According to Weintraub, researchers are trying to find the right treatment that stops inflammation and immune dysfunction due to rogue antibodies that attack the brain.

Weintraub also reports that strep infections can cause neuropsychiatric symptoms.  One psychiatrist found that some patients right after a strep infection could develop OCD and eating disorders.  She also found that children with OCD from PANDAS had toxic behavior reactions to typical medications that helped those with standard OCD showing the two groups were not equal.  In studying 43 children with acute onset OCD, the infectious triggers were strep and mycoplasma.  She treated them with Azithromycin and the patients improved.

Untreated PANS children can be disabled by their psychiatric symptoms and have, “OCD with severe intrusive thoughts such as suicidal ideation, psychosis, deep anxieties and fears, panic, rage, and are at risk of committing violent acts, ” as well as cognitive problems such as:  “handwriting deterioration, slow processing speed and regressions so frightening that a once-normal 10-year-old might have the skills and behavior of a developmentally slow 3-year-old.”

A pediatric rheumatologist managed to find clusters of children from the same school or neighborhood who had all come down with the condition in the same month as well as other infections besides strep were involved, such as bacterial mycoplasma, influenza, sinusitis, pneumonia and others.  Incredible video by Dr. Marke with written highlights and discussion on PANDAS/PANS.