Please see this link for details on talk on April 19, at 6:00 p.m. at the Superior Public Library in Minnesota.

This slide prepared by the Dr. Paul H Duray Pathology Research Fellowship shows Borrelia myamotoi in the blood.


As a rule the Tick Borne Relapsing Fevers allow the Borrelia bacteria to remain in the blood-stream in higher numbers and for longer periods of time than Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi) The current Blood serologies including the much promoted C6-Peptide ELISA test cannot detect B. myamotoi or any of the Relapsing Fevers, but more importantly the ELISA and Western Blots cannot detect 9 other “Lyme Disease Species” including several newer species in Minnesota, B. bissettii, B, americana, B. mayonii, Excluded are also: B. afezili , B garinii, B valaisianna, B. lusitanaea.  This is bad because people travel. If you get Malaria in Costa Rica we still expect our doctors to diagnose it, so why not Borrelia amricanna?

Our Research Lab has proprietary immune fluorescent DNA probe stains (FISH Stains for 3 species of Borrelia including Borelia mayonii.  Without our B. myamotoi stain the patient below who tested negative for B. burgdorferi would have never been diagnosed with B. myamotoi. Unfortunately she already had dementia, and our 112 Alzheimer Brain-Bank samples showed that B. myamotoi is the most common pathogen we could find in the human brain with dementia. We have been providing our evidence of B. myamotoi in the human brain since 2012, but now Drexel University and Johns Hopkins Medical are replicating our work.   Sadly, our FISH stains are picking up B. burgdorferi in brain and blood of patients who have tested negative with serology Lyme testing. 

This patient is referred to as a positive control for staining because this logger of 40 years from TWIG MN had two species of Borrelia in his brain, heart and testicle, and other tissues and fluids.  B. mayonii in his testicle is the only B. mayonii we have come across in any sample!

Tom Grier


For more on Grier’s work: