FDA Launches Fresh Bid to Toss Out High-Profile Ivermectin Case

Attempt comes after appeals court ruled agency likely overstepped its authority in warnings against ivermecton

By Zachary Stieber


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is seeking to persuade a federal court to dismiss a lawsuit challenging its repeated advisories against using ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

The FDA in a sealed motion asked the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas to dismiss the suit, which was brought by three doctors who allege the FDA’s warnings were illegal.

The late 2023 motion was sealed because exhibits the government cited “include confidential information” from a separate legal proceeding, according to a government brief.

Government lawyers said they would file redacted versions of the motion for public perusal but still haven’t done so.
Attorneys for the doctors said on Jan. 12 that the court should reject the government’s fresh bid to throw out the case.“
The FDA exceeded its authority by repeatedly issuing public directives not to use ivermectin for COVID-19, even though the drug remains fully approved for human use,” they wrote.
(See link for article)
The hammer needs to come down on the corrupt and dysfunctional FDA.  Anything less allows further tyranny.
The Appeals Court has ruled the FDA exceeded their authorityThis judgement should stand.
The FDA’s argument is that the plaintiffs haven’t suffered injuries traceable to the FDA, but the doctors state they have suffered economic harm, reputational harm, and increased exposure to malpractice liability and forced or untimely resignations due to the FDA’s actions.
Sadly, this is becoming the MO of our government.  I’m sure these doctors are mostly motivated by the illness and death they experienced with their patients due to being handcuffed from utilizing a safe, cheap, and effective medicine for COVID which could have saved lives.
The entire ivermectin saga has been chronicled.

While the FDA has power to authorize or approve drugs for a specific use, doctors are free to prescribe cleared drugs for other “off-label” purposes. Of course “off-label” prescribing of ivermectin was censored and prohibited not only by the FDA but by the AMA and other professional medical groups Pharmacists wouldn’t even fill prescriptions for it.  This is far bigger problem than just the FDA and each of these groups need to be overhauled to limit their power over doctors.

If they get away with it for ivermectin, it could be anything in the future.

Lastly, it must be celebrated widely and loudly that finally a doctor, at great personal cost, was willing to go the distance against our corrupt government and was exonerated.

This poor doctor’s crime?  He advised for time-tested, safe, and inexpensive vitamins & natural remedies for COVID.

Our corrupt and inept government sued him for $508 BILLION dollars.  

The case drug on for over 3 stressful years and he was debanked by 5 banks.  Insurance companies dropped his patient’s ability to use insurance while under his care.  

Knowing they couldn’t win the case, the FTC offered him money in a settlement that would have come with a gag order where he couldn’t discuss the case.  He refused their bribes and is now speaking out on how the government bankrupts dissenters.

No, the ivermectin case can not be dismissed.  There’s too much at stake.