Is it Yeast in chronic Lyme treatment Image by Marty Ross MD

Problems from Intestinal Yeast Overgrowth in Lyme

Too many yeast in the intestines lead to a number of problems in Lyme disease. Here are a few.

  • Increased cytokine (Lyme) symptoms. Yeast overgrowth leads to inflammatory cytokine excess. Just like white blood cells responding to Lyme make too many cytokines, white blood cells make too many cytokines responding to yeast too. Excess cytokine symptoms give most of the Lyme disease symptoms. This means that too many yeast in a person’s intestines can make it look like Lyme is worse. But the problem could be yeast triggering more cytokines. Read more about cytokines in Control Cytokines: A Guide to Fix Lyme Symptoms & The Immune System.
  • Food allergies. Food allergies and sensitivities can be the result of yeast overgrowth too. Too many yeast is one of the major causes of leaky gut syndrome leading to food allergies. For more information see Leaky Gut Syndrome: A Video Treatment Guide.
  • Immune suppression. Excess cytokines and allergies to yeast may lead to immune suppression.

Marty Ross MD Discusses Yeast Problems and Diagnosis

  • Diagnosing Yeast. For more information about diagnosing intestinal yeast, read the whole article below this video.
  • Treating Yeast. For information on how to treat yeast see Kills & Prevents Yeast: A Brief Guide(See link for article and video)


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