Notes Here


Exponential Clinical Outcomes (ECO24) was held online in May, 2024 and was created by Dr. Todd Watts and Dr. Jay Davidson who also created CellCore Biosciences.

I have posted Dr. Davidson’s removing parasites to fix Lyme & chronic illness, which I consider some of the best help for parasites out there.  His wife battled Lyme/MSIDS so Davidson had to figure it all out to help her.  I also posted Dr. Todd Watts’ ‘The Parasite Guy Podcast’ where he shares his own journey with parasites and Lyme disease.

The notes are in the link above and are provided by Scott Forsgren, FDN-P, better known as the BetterHealthGuy.

This is a wonderful resource for executive summaries of the various speakers who present on everything from foundation medicine, testing, why patients get worse, hormones, fasting, mold, unresolved trauma, ‘vaccine’ detox support, infertility, muscle testing, and much more.  There’s certainly something for everyone in this seminar.