Article Excerpts:

“They had us all terrified on the news,” referring to the death count tickers, the refrigerated trucks and the claims of how many would die from the virus.“

According to Blakeman, her research led her to discover that other countries were using “working early treatments, but we were being denied them.” These treatments included ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

When she and her husband caught COVID-19 in November 2020, they immediately took the ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. “We had symptoms for three hours and that was it,” she said. “I’m like, ‘My God, they’re killing people!’”

Documenting victims’ stories before they ‘scrub this history’

As part of this, the group says it will expose the ‘“FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] Death Protocol’ for what it is,” “will help people assert their legal right to refuse to submit to harmful COVID-19 vaccination and testing mandates,” and “call a halt” to the use of “‘vaccine passports’ and draconian digital ID systems.”

“Many of our former feds are ‘former’ because they witnessed the corruption of our most fundamental systems firsthand and subsequently became conscientious objectors.”

The group also launched the COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project (CHBMP), described as an effort to develop “the world’s largest online resource for information regarding the individual victims and the concerted effort to deny human beings safe and available medical treatment.”

“We knew we needed to document these stories of hospital protocol and vaccine injury victims” before they “scrub this history,” Blakeman said. “We need to get these people documented, so we can remember what happened, make sure it never happens again, and remember them.”

(See link for article)


Important things the FFFF is doing:

  • working with 20 attorneys and have filed about 70 cases.
    • three lawsuits have made it past the first stage of the PREP Act and are filed under constructive fraud because the fiduciary or the doctor is not getting any kind of consent from the victim or the victim’s family to use an experimental drug.
    • victims can also file PREP Act claims on the basis of several other types of claims, including elder abuse, medical battery, breach of fiduciary duty, professional misconduct and negligence.
    • Wisconsin is mentioned as a state that this legal strategy appears to be working for, so far.
  • launching the “We The People 50-Recall the Shots” campaign and going state-to-state to the attorneys general offices to get the shots recalled
  • launching “Halt Hospital Homicide,” a series of rallies with medical experts as speakers and protocol victims’ family members
  • launching a hospital advocacy program that if you’re in the hospital and need to get rescued, you can call them and they will get an advocate on the phone with the doctor.
  • launching the Amnesty and Leniency Project, where they encourage whistleblowers to come out from hospitals to disclose what they did, saw, heard.
  • launching the FFFF Citizens Task Force, with over 20 committees and the participation of several protocol and vaccine victims, including a legislation committee, a media committee and a rally committee.
  • raising public awareness of vaccine and hospital protocol injuries and deaths, with billboard campaigns and plane banners raising awareness of hospital protocol deaths, a car sticker and magnet campaign, the “FormerFeds Focus” podcast, a Substack page, discussions with protocol and vaccine victims and with medical experts on Twitter Spaces, and a Rumble video series. The group has been censored on Facebook, Google and YouTube.
  • working on a class action suit,” against Gilead because they advertised that remdesivir did something that it didn’t. The case will cost millions of dollars and four attorneys from little firms have already been working on it for two years on their own time.  Big firms aren’t touching these cases.

Hospitalized COVID patients share the following commonalities:

    • isolation
    • denial of informed consent and alternative treatments
    • gaslighting
    • removal of communication devices
    • discrimination against the unvaccinated
    • dehumanization (not allowed to go to the bathroom, not cleaned, not given mouth care, tied to the bed, chemically or physically restrained, physically abused included cases of broken noses, put on non-emergency ventilation or “do not resuscitate” orders that were not authorized by patients or their families, and given overdoses of fentanyl or morphine)
    • dehydration and starvation
    • non-emergency ventilation
    • refusal of transfer
    • strict adherence to EUA protocols

Regarding the administration of remdesivir:

  • not a single person in the FFFF database has ever seen the remdesivir fact sheet hospitals are legally obligated to provide.
  • wives have written on their husband’s arms with a Sharpie, ‘No remdesivir,’ and they got it anyway.
  • patients go to sleep and [doctors] will bring in the remdesivir drip bag in the middle of the night.

Government incentivized hospitals under the CARES Act which gave hospitals money upfront ($292,566 per person, $39,000 for ventilation & a 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill) that if they didn’t use, they had to pay it all back, which is why they rushed to ventilate and perform all these unnecessary procedures.

“Get your story on the record. Get in support groups. You’re not alone. A lot of people feel very alone. We believe you here, we’ll support you, we’ll help you tell your story that you need to tell, and we’ll help you honor your loved one.  “And we’ll help you find an attorney if we can. We’ll try to get you some kind of justice.” ~ Carolyn Blakeman, media director and task force coordinator for FFFF