The rats are jumping ship.  The latest is Dr. Lawrence Tabak, who took over for Francis Collins as principal Deputy Director of the NIH, and who admitted under oath that NIH was funding ‘gain of function’ research, despite Fauci’s repeated denials.

Then, Francis Collins finally admitted what Fauci also admitted: there is no evidence to support social distancing and the origin of COVID is not settled.

Stay tuned as the rats turn on each other and attempt to save themselves.

The Great FOIA Dodge

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests are meant to promote government transparency and accountability and give the public access to information about the operations and decisions of federal agencies.

But serious concerns have been raised about the ascertainment of public records and the lack of transparency of federal agencies.

In recent congressional hearings, it was revealed that top US public health officials created ‘secret’ back channels for communications on federal business in order to avoid prying eyes.

David Morens, a former top advisor to Anthony Fauci, allegedly destroyed public documents and boasted to colleagues that he would communicate with Fauci on personal Gmail accounts to circumvent FOIA requests.

I can either send stuff to Tony [Fauci] on his private Gmail, or hand it to him,” wrote Morens in emails presented by the House Select Subcommittee.

[Fauci] is too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble,” added Morens, suggesting that Fauci himself was involved in dodging FOIAs.

In the subpoenaed emails, Morens wrote that someone in the FOIA office of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) gave him instructions on how to destroy public records, boasting that he could make emails vanish without a trace.

I learned from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear,” wrote Morens in one email.

(See link for article)



When Morens was questioned about why he was trying to hide emails and destroy federal records, he pulled a Fauci, developed selective amnesia, and simply couldn’t recollect. He also claimed ignorance that emails from his government account constituted federal records.

While HHS has suspended funding to EcoHealth Alliance and commenced formal debarment proceedings against Peter Daszak, Morens is still an employe of NIH, but has been placed on administrative leave.

There are many heads to the hydra in ‘gain of function’ research, government corruption, and FOIA dishonesty, and another head will simply pop up.  

So now, besides deliberately obfuscating and causing lengthy delays in processing FOIA requests, government actors are simply deleting inconvenient truths, or giving hundreds of pages that are redacted.

Evidence also uncovered by the subcommittee indicates that NIAID staff routinely misspelled keywords in order to avoid FOIA requests with specific keyword searches.

If this happened in the real world, people would go to jail, but if you are part of the government engine, you keep your job and simply develop better skills at hiding things and then teach others how to do it.  BTW: every person requesting a FOIA is charged a fee.

http://  Approx. 14 Min

Top Fauci Aid Caught Deleting Emails, Accused of Lying


Right to Know Reporter Emily Kopp weighs in on the latest scandal.


And if it couldn’t get any more unbelievable……it does.

The White House is adopting 1984 ‘newspeak.’

Biden White House spins up ‘scientific integrity council’ to shield Government Health bureaucrats and DEI agenda

Article Excerpts:

Advertised as a council that upholds scientific rigor and truth before a political agenda,draft policy document on the NIH website spells out the opposite, and provides information about exactly what the Biden Administration wants to achieve with this new group….

In government speak, these agenda items translate to promoting the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) agenda in “science” and continuing to grow the size and scope of the NIH.

The NIH is an essential component of the government bureaucracy because it acts in part as a massive slush fund grant maker to political and policy allies in the “health” space. Over the years, the NIH has continually weaponized the broad category of “medical research” to award conformity over innovation ingenuity. It hands out $40 billion a year in grants to its public and private partners in the United States.

(See link for article and the main institutions receiving this money, and to learn that ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ do not mean what you think they mean)